Part 31

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When Tlaloc came back with Ogden, they found me chasing Allan who laughed loudly and made sure to make me even more embarrassed with dirty remarks. I didn't notice them until Ogden walked in front of Allan and in a second locked him in a chokehold. Apparently, it wasn't strong enough to make Allan gasp because even though he was rendered motionless by the brute, he still chuckled at my red cheeks.

I looked away from them and saw Tlaloc standing by the tree line and waiting for me.

'Good luck getting your arse kicked, Allan' I smirked at him and walked towards Tlaloc. When I was close enough, he turned around and with me following like a puppy, we left those two to continue training.

As we began our way back, my mind went to conversation and new information that I got. I couldn't believe that Jack could do such a thing. And the fact that he kept his face cool in front of us after the incident, it made me disgusted. My body shivered when I remembered that I was his next victim. If we didn't get stranded and kidnapped by Tlaloc's people, then.... I would have been dead. It was hard for me to say it, but Tlaloc saved my life, again. If not for him then I would have been going through such horrible things and my friends wouldn't be able to do a thing. What if Jack decided to keep me alive and keep torturing me? I felt my stomach squeeze and I shook my head. The most important thing is that Tlaloc saved me and kept me safe, that he showed me affection and made me feel wanted. Wanted in a good way.

'Lynea' Tlaloc's voice brought me back to reality and I blinked. Looking around I noticed that I was standing in the middle of the living quarters like a lunatic, not noticing that we came back home.

'Sorry, I was thinking' I mumbled and walked to him, sitting by his side. In a second he brought me to his lap, making me straddle him, and I looked him in the eyes. The blues of his eyes still looked pulsing with black never ending pupils just wanting to suck you in.

'You were right... about Jack' I said quietly, managing to escape his alluring eyes and look away from him entirely.

'I told you that will never lie to you' he responded and brushed a strand of my hair away from my face. I looked back at him and frowned.

'You looked into their memories, just like mine' I said, my voice turned accusing. I didn't like the fact that even my mind was not secure from Tlaloc. My memories weren't the most pleasant and I wanted to keep them in me.

Tlaloc chuckled and leaned to me, his hot breath fanning my ear and sending shivers down my spine.

'And I can do much more' he whispered and playfully bit my earlobe, earning a gasp from me. Only now I noticed his hands on my thighs, holding me glued to his warm and muscled chest. I felt my cheeks go red for the nth time today as I tried my best not to be bothered by his closeness.

'You smell so good, I could take you to the clouds and back right now' he growled lowly as he began tracing small kissed along my neck, leaving my skin tingling. His words made me squirm a little when I felt warmth in my core. The feeling was alien to me, but felt inviting.

'Tlaloc...' I wanted to warn him to stop, but his name came out more like inviting sigh that caused him growl loudly, the rumble from his chest going straight through me and increasing the warmth in my lower stomach. I tried my best to ignore the warmth that felt like invitation for something more than just kisses.

Tlaloc reached the spot where he bit me twice and I felt his sharp teeth trace the skin, earning a very visible shiver from me.

'Mine' a word barely recognizable through animalistic growl reached my ear and before I could comprehend what he said, I felt his teeth dig into my flesh. My eyes went wide and my chest squeezed in fear, waiting for the pain to come, but it never come. Something far more better came.

The feeling of euphoria exploded inside me, so strong that it made me let out a very loud and content moan. My eyes fluttered shut as my head leaned back, my body pulled closer to Tlaloc by his strong arms. I gripped his shoulders in a death grip as I felt myself getting wet between my legs, this new feeling turning me on. A lot.

I felt Tlaloc retract his teeth out of the spot and instead lock his mouth with mine. His rough and demanding kiss sending shivers of anticipation down my spine and right into my core that happily ignited even more. I snaked my arms around his neck, happily burying my fingers into his rough raven black hair and with a small thug we both fell down on the furs.

My mind was blank an every logical reason why this whole act was bad simply flew out the window. Both of us were driven by the instincts and heat of the moment.

I felt his hands trace up my thigh as he pressed himself into me, earning a moan from me. With a growl deep from his chest, he invaded my mouth with his tongue and caught mine in a fierce dance of lust. I had no experience of this kind, so I let Tlaloc lead, secretly enjoying his dominance.

When both of us ran out of air, Tlaloc pushed himself away from me, both of us panting. Without warning he placed his head on my chest and staid like that for a moment.

'Sorry, I couldn't control myself' he spoke, his voice still low and filled with lust. On his words my mind finally escaped the mist of primal instincts and I felt myself blush bright red. My palms hid my face automatically as I hid from Tlaloc. I couldn't believe that we just almost went all the way to the end. Thank the all Gods for Tlaloc's self control, even the little that he still had. Worse was the fact that I went along, actually feeling the need and lust myself. It was the first time that I felt it and so strongly, the ability to loose yourself so easily scaring me a bit.

I felt Tlaloc move away from my chest and take my hands by the wrists. I let him pull my hands away from my face and I looked at him still bright red. A playful smirk graced his face, his eyes navy blue and full with lust. The way he looked at me made me go even more red, if it was possible. He growled, still hovering over me and looked me in eyes.

'You are even more inviting than before' he spoke and I could clearly hear strain in his lust filled voice. I understood that I had to calm us down in order to avoid "the end".

'You bit me, but it didn't hurt' I said, finally feeling my cheeks cool down.

'Because I didn't want you to be hurt. I must say, marking you again definitely feels great' he said and brushed the spot where he had his teeth just a minute ago, sending visible shivers through my body. His eyes went darker shade again making his face more animalistic and raw. We just stared at each other until Tlaloc growled loudly and jumped off of me.

'I need to cool down or I will definitely take you' he said and walked to the springs, leaving me blushing and thinking how in the world he will cool down in warm water.


*A sniffling can be heard from a dark room. Cobwebs litter the floor and ceiling, water droplets can be heard hitting the concrete floor somewhere. In the middle of the room swings a lonely lamp bulb, barely illuminating a dark wood table with a laptop on in. By the table sits a young woman, chained with silver chains to her chair, with a shirt that says "author" at the back in white bold letters. The sniffling can be heard coming from her mouth as her cheeks a wet from tears. Around her stands at least dozen of huge minotaurs, surrounding her with angry looks. In their hands they hold heavy axes, their curved edges painted in red blood, ready to drink some more. The woman taps her keyboard a few more times and then stops, looking at the beasts surrounding her with terrified eyes.

'It's out.... c-can I go h-home?' She stutters, but the only thing she can hear is the shuffling as beasts around her take out their gadgets to read a new chapter.*

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