Stage 2: Part 25

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<>Little bit sexual<>

When Tlaloc brought me up the stairs to his home, he went to his fur bed and sat me down. He sat next to me and in a second pulled me in his lap so that I was straddling and facing him. His hands gently cupped my face, most likely because it was bruised from the fall, and looked me dead in the eye.

'Lynea, from this moment you must listen to me without any questions' he said holding my gaze. His statement was confusing and I frowned a little bit.

'W-what?' My voice shook a bit. Tlaloc sighed and brushed my cheek carefully while his expression changed into disapproving one.

'Why are you doing this to yourself? If you would have listened to me then this whole situation wouldn't have happened' he continued speaking and making me confused even more. Listening to his orders? But he never said I wasn't allowed to leave.... or did he? I searched my memory, but couldn't find the moment.

'You never said I wasn't allowed to leave' I replied, but his worried look made my stomach squeeze in worry.

'I told you that following our traditions the first 10 days after the marking the woman is not allowed to leave her new home and have to spend her time getting to know her partner'

I listened to this new information wide eyed. Traditions? Marking? He never said those things to me.

'You never said....' my voice died out as I tried to remember him explaining all of this, but I was stopped by Tlaloc lightly kissing my forehead.

'Don't strain your head. The fall must have been far worse than it seemed' he said and my stomach squeezed in worry again. What if I lost my memory from the hit in the head? If I lost a day of my memories then my brains just connected the ends to make it one endless week, right? Brains do that, right?

'I'm sorry, I don't remember' I whispered feeling guilty. What if he told me some serious information and I forgot just like that?

'Don't worry, it will come back with time. To avoid something like that or something even worse, you need to promise me that you will follow my orders without question' he said and I looked him in the eyes. They were radiating with care and worry. It made butterflies come back and I nod.

'I promise'

He gave me his ghostly half smile and kissed me properly this time. The kiss was very gentle and surprised me that he even could kiss so lightly, taking notice to his body structure and violent demeanor. It only lasted a couple of seconds and he pulled himself away from me, his eyes darker shade that still amazed me. I wanted to be able to change my eye colour as well.

'As long as you keep your promise I will be able to keep you safe. Trust me, this island is not the safe haven even though it looks like that from the outside' he said and I nod.

I could trust him. At least a little bit since he worries and cares for me. It has been so long since I felt so much love from someone that I actually forgot the warm and fuzzy feeling it gave you. If I listen to him, then I will be okay in this place, he is the leader of this group of people after all.

We sat in silence and just enjoyed each other's company. After a couple of minutes I finally gathered enough courage to speak.

'How do you do that?' I asked and looked at his eyes. They were back to his normal blue that looked like pulsing energy was contained in them. Maybe it was, I don't think that would surprise me.

'Do what?' he looked at me with his face void of any emotions, just like he usually does. It must be his normal face.

'How do you change the shade and colour of your eyes?' 

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