Stage 4: Part 50

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'No/No' both Laird and Ogden growled at the same time and I frowned.

'Okay, then let's just sit and die, sure' I sarcastically spoke and crossed my arms before me with annoyed huff. These people really are weird. Knowingly going to their death and refusing help that clearly was needed.

'How about Allan then? He is a human as well and is trained, so he can protect me in case the body will spring to life' I asked rolling my eyes but Ogden's growl, a lot stronger might I add, cut my thought short.

'No' he added in case I was deaf and I sighed.

'Okay, have fun dying'

'There is another way' a voice spoke from my right and I strained my head to look at the person. My eyes landed on the Herbalist and I instantly frowned. Just because she was the mother of Tlaloc that doesn't mean I will force myself to like her.

'And about what way are you talking about?' I asked calmly.

'The best way, of course, would be you going into heat and-'

'I'm not having sex in front of everybody with Laird who is basically an animal with human brain' I cut her short. My face was red from embarrassment since I was still a virgin and this entire "mating" stuff was really uncomfortable, but I kept it serious. I felt my right eye twitch in annoyance when Herbalist's gaze turned into amused one while Laird growled, sending vibrations through my body. That made me move a little bit since my lower body felt a little weird from that.

'Then your blood will be able to cleanse this poison' she spoke and I unconsciously dug my nails into Laird's left arm, away from her prying eyes. Memories of the ritual when I was "gifted" the language flooded my mind as my stomach flipped, reminded that I had to eat Jack's tongue. My face contorted into hateful disgust on its own as I glared at the Herbalist. I was tired of being used as a blood bag for their "traditions". Enough is enough.

'My blood? Haven't you traumatized me enough with your fucking rituals and blood?' I spat as my body went rigid.

'Those were necessary. In this situation your help and blood is needed and as a Luna, your duty is to provide that help' she spoke coldly, any hint of amusement gone in a second as she came closer to us.

'And I did. I volunteered to dig through the corpse and take all the flowers away. I'm not letting you spill any more of my blood. And you know what?' My anger was slowly rising as I watched the Herbalist. Somehow managing to shake off both males, I stood up and looked dead in her eyes.

'I'm done with your shit. There will be no more rituals or help involving me or my blood. I'm done being your bloody punch bag, everyone's punch bag! If you don't like my help then you won't get any help. It's over!' I shouted and turned away from the scene. I didn't care if I'll get lost in the forest. All I wanted was getting away from these people and go home. I didn't care if my parents lock me in the basement or force me to marry some snob. That actually sounded better than living on an island where people turn into beasts and spill my blood for every single reason they can find, where people are being killed as a sacrifice and their body parts eaten. I never asked to be kidnapped by them nor being placed in this "Luna" position. I guess only now my brain finished processing information and understand in what kind of situation I am. This was also my first time standing up for myself and it felt amazing. At that moment, I didn't care about the consequences for my action. It was time for my rebel year to start after 18 years under over parental control. If I can't get off this island then at least I can hold my life in my own grip.

I began walking away from them, my fists clenched into fists. Trees soon devoured me as I marched deeper into the woods. The moon shone faintly through the branches and I used the minimal light to illuminate my path to somewhere. My ears caught quick steps gaining on me, but I ignored them and marched forward until someone caught my arm. I quickly turned around only to see Tlaloc, looking at me with unreadable expression. Well, I thought it was Tlaloc until he smirked darkly and my eyes shot up to meet navy blue ones.

'Laird?' I asked unsure and he chuckled.

'Wished for your gentleman?' He spoke as he pulled me into his chest.

'Oh, no. You are just using his body' I spoke and cautiously watched him. He seemed to be amused by that as his smirk only widened.

'I'm not going to bring you back to that bitch' he spoke and my eyes widened.

'Isn't she your-'

'Mother? No, her beast is, not the human. C'mon, rabbit haunch, start looking at us as separate beings'

I looked at Laird again. See as separate beings huh?

He rose his eyebrows as I stared at him. At him. Maybe it was time to act on my 'rebel' side.

'Lean down a bit' I spoke and gestured to him. His eyes held curiosity as he leaned down so that our faces were close to each other. I could feel my face going bright red as I held his face in my palms and kissed him. It was a simple kiss since I had 0 experience in love department.

I broke the kiss as well. My eyes instantly went to the side as my face went aflame. Talk about failed rebelion. I can't even kiss Laird without being embarrassed. Maybe it wasn't my time to rebel yet.

'S-since I already had a kiss with Tlaloc, this one is for you' I spoke and took a step away from him. This was so embarrassing.

A growl surrounded us. It took me by surprise and I jumped a bit, startled. My eyes went to Laird who was staring at me with his almost black eyes. The intensity of them made a shiver run down my spine.

'You aren't serious, are you?' He spoke and something shifted in his eyes. The atmosphere around us instantly changed into more oppressing and I unconsciously took a step away from Laird. The way he looked at me, I began feeling like a real rabbit haunch in his eyes.

'W-what do you mean?' I stuttered and took another step away, but this time because Laird began stalking towards me. He had a pissed off look accompanied by a small snarl.

'You go all tongue and body with Tlaloc and I get one simple kiss?' He growled and my eyes went wide. He saw everything? Of course he did, he is sharing human body with Tlaloc.

Suddenly, he appeared right before me and pushed me against the tree. The rough bark dug into my back and I groaned, but that groan was quickly changed into gasp as Laird pressed his body against mine and locked me with his hands by my head.

'Let me show you what I really expect from my mate' he whispered into my ear and I felt shivers run down my spine.



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