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Me and Laird met other pack members by the sacrificial pedestal only an hour after our last conversation. The members were looking at me like I was a ghost and whispered to each other. I was confused, but what even more confusing was the fact that I could hear them perfectly. It felt like my ears were cleaned and now I could hear even the smallest of things. Maybe Laird actually cleaned my ears? Doubtful, but possible. It was too embarrassing to ask and it was not the place. I planned to speak with him about my nose as well later.

After he explained the plan to others, I watched as everybody began to change into their wolves. A weird feeling overcame me, like my body was ready to change as well. Laird did say that I had the beast, but I wasn't sure if I should believe that. Even if that was right, the fear was too great for me to shift. I knew nothing about the change and the beast side and I preferred to try the shift with Laird first. When we had free time.

I glanced at Laird and he noticed me standing and not moving. He lowered himself on all four and nod to his back.

'Climb on'

I did as he said and climbed on his back. My arms were tightly snared around his neck in order to not fall off as my legs hugged his torso.

With a snarl from Laird, the group moved.

I never thought Laird could run so fast, but the whipping wind and blurry forest proved his speed. He was full with bloodlust and excitement, the final hunt of the killer. My muscles were put to the test as Laird flew across the island so fast that I struggled to keep attached to him. He didn't wait for others as there were already scouts, herding Rashine with Anna towards the cliff. The only one that kept up a little bit behind was Ogden with Allan on his back. Apparently, he also demanded to come.

I was nervous for the confrontation and sad that I had to loose another friend. The tears were ready for their entrance and I knew they will show themselves soon enough. Questions swirled in my mind restlessly, questions that I wanted answers to.

The sun was dipping, dying the horizon in all of yellow and orange hues. We reached the spot and my ears caught ridiculous amount of animalistic growling. I jumped off of Laird's back and he stepped forward without changing into his human form. I followed after him as wolves parted to let us through. My eyes landed on a cliff with two people standing at the edge. The guy named Rashine stood tall and proud with Anna behind him. I... wasn't able to recognize my old friend. Her face was devout from her usual confident and flirty expression and only a scowl with open disgust was present. When her eyes met mine, her scowl only deepened.

'And so the monster himself comes to meet his end!' Rashine shouted, rile and loathing evident in his voice and face.

'You are quite confident for a dead meat' Laird replied and Rashine laughed.

'You think I will go down without taking at least one of you abominations with me?!'

'Why have you been taking innocent lives, Rashine?'

Laird didn't poke around the bush. Rashine snarled as he pulled out a dagger out of his fur kilt.

'I have never wanted to join your abhorrent family. My life was perfect, I had my own family, honest job and friends, but your fake Gods took everything away from me! They turned me into a monster, made my family hate me! On that day I promised to myself that I will destroy your pathetic family the easiest way. No females, no more monsters!' He screamed.

'Our Gods would continue choosing their warriors even if you did kill all of our females' Laird snarled, but Rashine laughed.

'One every 5 or more years? I can take care of them!'

Trip To The Inferno [OLD VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now