Bonus: Have we met before?

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A yawn stretched my jaws painfully as I woke up from a heavy night of sleep. I massaged my jaw bones as I sleepily rolled in my bed, enjoying warm covers and fluffy pillows.

'Dear, don't you have plans today?!' My mother's voice, suddenly, shouted from downstairs. My eyes instantly went wide as any remnants of sleep disappeared.

'Shit' I mumbled under my nose as I dived out of the bed and straight into the bathroom. In speed only turtles can wish, I brushed my teeth and cleaned my still swollen face. In five minutes I was dressed and looked presentable. Presentable in my book.

My footsteps thundered through the hallway as I stumbled down the stairs, straight into the kitchen. My mother was standing by the table with a cup of coffee in her hands and a playful smirk on her face.

'Breakfast with your boyfriend?' She asked and I frowned.

'Mom, how many times do I have to tell you, Allan-'

'Likes bananas over peaches, I know' she cuts me in. I couldn't help, but giggle, my mother chuckling with me. I watched as she leaned on the table, her mischievous gaze on me.

'You should start looking for your own banana by this time' she said, faking concern. Her facade didn't held up for long as my face went ablaze and she began laughing.

'Mom! I'm 20 only for one week yet. I have years for that' I said as I glanced at the clock.

'Crap! I'm late!' I said as I turned around and ran to the hallway to put on my shoes.

'Have fun, dear!' My mother shouted from the kitchen as I opened front door.

'Bye! Be back by dinner!' I shouted back and ran out of my house.

By the time I reached time square, I was 10 minutes late. Doing my best to push through endless stream of people, I fished out my phone and quick dialled Allan's number.

'Hello, twin!' Allan cheerfully greeted me and I smiled.

'Hi, sorry for being late. I'm by that horrible chinese noodle place, meet you in 5' I said as I squeezed passed a couple that were really into holding hands.

'Slept soundly I assume?' Allan chuckled and I pouted.

'Hey! I love my sleep!' I shouted playfully, but instead of a cheerful remark, Allan gasped and stayed silent.

'Twin?' He whispered. I was having trouble hearing him with all the noise of a super busy street. He sounded serious and I grew worried.

'What is it? Something happened?'

I heard him breathe in deeply.

'There are two most handsome males standing on the other side of the road from the cafe I am. Holy guacamole....'

My face went blank as I continued walking and squeezing. My phone still glued to my ear as I pushed yet another couple out of my way.

'Are you serious?' I spoke blandly, conveying my "not impressed" face through my voice. Allan, on the other hand was having a moment. He gasped again and I could hear him squirming.

'Get your pretty little ass over here, twin! QUICK!' He almost shouted and I giggled, finally seeing him in the outside cafe.

'I can see yo- OMG! One of them is looking at you!' He heatedly whispered as he began waving at me. I decided to annoy him and began looking around as obvious as I could, dramatising my moves like I was from some cartoon. I heard Allan gasp again, this time from horror as I actually looked round, but saw thousand of people.

'Allan, there are shit load of people, of course some of them will look at me' I laughed into my phone as I walked on the wooden patio and walked to Allan.

'Especially, with this cute outfit' I said to him as I ended our call and sat down opposite of him. He was clearly restless as his gay radar was overloading his brain with waves, informing of a man that looks hot. He kept glancing to wherever those men were, nervously trying to drink his ice cream shake. Banana flavoured.

'4 o'clock to you, by the amazing black Porsche. Probably th-'

'Allan, stop scanning them' I giggled as I could practically see an antenna going crazy on his head. He looked at me and his eyes went wide as he looked behind me.

'Just look! They are otherworldly!' He whisper shouted as if those "amazing" men could hear him. I shook my head and sneaked a sip from his milkshake. Turning at 4 o'clock I was met by a group of people. Most of them had phones out as they took pictures of surrounding shops.

'Well, those tourists are definitely not AMAZING' I giggled and turned back, but Allan shook his head.

'They are behind them! Those people walked pass them just as you turned' He groaned and slumped in his chair, sulking and taking a sad sip of his banana milkshake. I smiled at him.

'Okay, let's stop being creepmhh-' I couldn't finish my sentence as Allan quickly covered my mouth. He was sitting straight up and was looking wide eyed to something behind me. His attention quickly came back to me and he leaned to me even more than he was. He looked scared.

'They are coming! They are coming here!' He whisper shouted and released my mouth. I rose my eyebrows at him and smiled.

'This cafe is a very nice place. And quite popular' I answered. Allan only shook his head in quick motion as a chair was pulled by my side.

I looked at my left, confused a little, as my eyes met navy blue ones. There, casually sitting, was a handsome man. He had black hair that were tussled in mischievous way, he wore a black crisp suit and a silver Rolex watch. He was watching me with a small, almost invisible, smirk as I was watching him back with my eyes wide.

His smirk widen as he spoke,

'Have we met before, rabbit haunch?'

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