Part 41

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My mind woke up what looked after years of sleep, slowly gathering senses and noises around me. I could feel that I was laying on a table, but my body was still asleep. I couldn't feel any pain nor move an inch, but I was glad I couldn't do so as memories flooded my mind. The man attacking me and the beast.

The beast.

His intimidating standing form flashed before my closed eyes and my heart began hammering, fear gripping my chest. Herbalist called it Alpha. She spoke to it and it understood everything. I refused to believe that it was Tlaloc. It was impossible. My last memory of the beast were blue eyes, but it could be coincidence. Maybe this village had two Alphas? Just the beast was kept a secret because it wasn't human? Maybe I just walked into its territory? Yeah, that had to be it.

I relaxed my body, even though I couldn't feel a thing, and listened. My ears picked sounds, but they were distorted. It sounded like voices. I focused on them and soon words reached my ear.

'It's his fault' a man growled and
I recognized it as Tlaloc's, but it was off. It sounded more low, naturally threatening, muscular. It felt like Tlaloc just gained a bunch of body mass.

'But you are the one who hurt her' Herbalist's calm voice spoke and my interest was piqued. They obviously were talking about me.

'And it's his fault for denying me. Not only did he pushed me deep into his mind, but he also had guts to continuously mark her before my eyes. I had and have all rights to mark her as well. So you better speak with your darling son and bring him to understanding that he shares his body with me and that he can't keep me inside for the rest of his life' The darker Tlaloc spoke, his voice low and never wavering or raising into a shout.

Herbalist was Tlaloc's mother?

Shivers ran down my spine as I remembered how rudely I was acting. Of course, she wasn't the sweetest person as well and we have bad blood, but why didn't she show some authority?

I finally began feeling tinglings throughout my body. Pain began increasing as well and I tried my best to not let a single sound escape my lips in order for the Herbalist and weird sounding Tlaloc to continue talking, but a groan left me as the wounds burned. It felt like poison was in my body. Voices stopped and I felt my consciousness slipping away again.

'Take care of her wounds, I need to talk to her' the dark Tlaloc spoke as I heard slow steps coming my way.

'She will not want to see you' Herbalist answered, her voice closer to me.

'She doesn't ha....'


Cold seeped into my muscles and I frowned. It felt like one of those face creams that had mint in them and made your face cold for a few seconds except the feeling lingered. My mind woke up again, this time feeling not as tired as before. I opened my eyes and blinked, the blurry and wobbling  vision setting into place. My eyes  landed on my body and I saw that I still had my clothes on. The Herbalist who was standing to my left and was putting some sort of green cream on my thigh, had my skirt raised up a bit in order to reach the wound.  The moment the cream touched my wound, the burning sensation turned into freezing cold and I sighed. Upon my sigh, the Herbalist looked at me and back at the wound.

'You're awake. Sooner than I thought' she spoke as she continued smearing the cream over my thigh. I staid silent, recent events playing in my mind. Herbalist took notice to that.

'Don't give your silent treatment to Alpha. Listen him out' she spoke and I frowned.

'For his excuses?' I answered, my voice raspy from my "sleep".

'If not for him, you woud have been defiled' she continued and her words made me silent. She was correct on that, the man most likely ran because he heard the beast's footsteps.

'Just listen them out. What you saw yesterday was not a secret kept from you. You simply never had a chance to see it since we don't use it that often'

'Them? We?' She made me completely confused and she smiled, clearly amused by it.

'Listen them out' she repeated and then change her attention back to my wounds, 'If you want to be in as little of pain as possible then I suggest letting Alpha take care of the wounds, they will heal instantly, if you want to be in pain then you can stay here for about 10 days for the wounds heal up completely.' She spoke, but I never had a chance to answer.

Suddenly, the cloth that kept us closed in the tent was flung open and Tlaloc walked in, but he was off. His face looked more wild and dangerous, his body mass definitely bigger and his eyes.

They were navy blue.

I gulped, realising that he was staring right back, and I looked away from him. I didn't want to speak or see him.

'Leave us' he spoke, the same darker Tlaloc's voice reaching my ears and sending shivers down my spine.

'Alpha, she did not say what-'

'Leave. Us.' Tlaloc cut Herbalist, his voice dangerously shifting and final. I watched as she moved away from the table and walked out of the room without even glancing back and my attention was brought back to the man before me. He stood by my feet and was watching me. No, he was checking me out. His dark hair was messy, like he didn't care about it, his jaw set tight and his dark eyes on me.

He moved and placed his hands on my ankles startling me.

'First things first, my names is Laird and it's nice to meet you' he spoke and I blinked, confused. Tlaloc was calling himself Laird.


'Wounds first, questions second' he spoke walking around the table and in a second picked me up bridal style. I hissed as the wounds burned for a second from movement, but quickly were cooled down by the cream.

Tlaloc or Laird walked to the back of the tent and laid me down on the furs, climbing on top of me right after. Fear seeped into my chest as I began panicking.

'What are you doing?!' I shouted, my hands slamming into his chest. Naked chest might I add. A rumble escaped his chest and I looked at Tlaloc or Laird. A ghost smile hung on his lips.

'I'm going to heal your wounds' he replied as if we were talking about breakfast, and I felt his hand on my hip.

Oh no...


That moment when you are trying to write Laird, but autocorrect writes Laid. Thanks for the info Laird and Tlaloc, thanks for the info....

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