Bonus: Rabbit Haunch

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His voice was low and husky, speaking like we were lovers behind closed doors, his words only for my ears to hear. Allan wasn't joking when he said that they were otherworldly. I could only blink at him, too stunned by his manliness as I looked at Allan.

Allan was having the best moment of his life as there was another guy sitting by him. The man was speaking with Allan, his face devoid of any visible emotions apart from his eyes. He was openly curious about Allan. The man had an arm flung over Allan's chair and from an outsider, it looked like a move to assert dominance.

I looked back at the man sitting besides me, utterly confused. He flung his arm on my chair as well, bringing us closer and naturally asserting his own dominance over me. Like a wolf or something.

'This table is taken' I blurred the first thing in my head. Almost instantly I wanted to slap myself for saying such a stupid thing. No wonder I can't find a partner. Or a banana as my mom put it.

The man fully smirked at me from my words and leaned into me, closing the gap. I felt my face warming up quickly as he pinched my nose. I gasped and covered my nose, surprised by his move.

'I know this table is taken. Have we really not met before?' He asked as he looked at me, his eyes like hawk's.

Now that he mentioned, it did feel like we met before, but haven't at the same time. I tried to remember his face, but nothing came to my mind.

'I don't think so. I would have remembered if I had made some business deals in the past' I replied, letting myself assume that the man before me was some kind of business owner.

He hummed and looked at me with something in his mind.

'Would you accept an invitation to a date, rabbit haunch?' He suddenly asked, catching me off guard.

A date?! I looked at him shocked, not knowing what to do.

'A-a date? Don't you think you are.. um... too old to ask me that?' I replied, hoping not to come of as rude, but the man only smirked.

'Your friend doesn't mind that' I couldn't help, but roll my eyes.

'Yeah, because he is weird'

'I heard that!' Allan shouted, but I showed him my tongue. He replied the gesture and went back to the conversation he was having with the second man. I turned back to the man beside me and saw his amused face. My cheeks went red, but I tried not let them bother me.

'Besides, I don't know you. Not even your name' I said, still hesitant.

'I promise my heart and soul that I won't hurt you. I only want to get to know you' he answered and crossed his heart.

I mussed if I should accept his invitation. I didn't know the man, definitely couldn't trust him, but a little bit of risk doesn't hurt. Besides, a hot man is interested in me, my mother would probably throw a party if she knew. I glanced at Allan and saw him beaming at the man, the latter smiling slightly. Both of them clearly enjoying themselves. I looked back at the man who was patiently waiting for my answer. Ah! To heck with it! I'm not usually looking for older men to date, but this might be fun.

'I have to be home by dinner' I said and he smiled brightly at me.

'I'll escort you to your doorstep myself' he said and stood up with me following him.

'I'll call you later, twin!' I waved at Allan and he waved back, smiling mischievously.

'Have fun, twin! He answered.

I followed the man like a lost puppy as he walked out of the cafe. Without warning, he took my hand and intertwined our fingers, gently pulling me after him towards his car. I stayed quiet and just smiled like a dork, enjoying the simple gesture.

We reached his slick black car and like a true gentleman, he opened door for me. I thanked him and got in, watching him walk around it and get behind the wheel. I was too stupid to recognize what car we were in, but it was definitely new. The interior was also black, with shiny leather and electronics, making me feel alien. My mother was a hard working woman, but she never brought something relatively expensive. Especially on this car's level.

The man, whose name I still don't know, turned the engine on and with a soft purr, the car began rolling. Somewhere.

We stayed quiet as I watched the streets change with every turn. The silence was light and comfortable and I just enjoyed the ride. Not every day you will sit in a very expensive car.

When the city heart changed into New York suburbs, my curiosity peaked.

'Where are we going?' I asked as I watched private houses getting less and less frequent until fields stood in their spot.

'To a spot near the sea. It's perfect for a picnic' the man answered and I smiled, really getting excited.

Jeez, it's just a picnic.

I looked at the man again.

'Should we introduce ourselves?' I asked playfully and the man chuckled.

'Ladies first, rabbit haunch'

A shiver ran down my spine as he called me by the nickname. It was so... dominant. Everything about this man screamed dominance.

I loved it.

'My name is Lynea Springwoods, a miserable young adult who has no idea what she wants from her life. I love watching National Geographic and baby seals.' I introduced myself. The man chuckled at my last words, but said nothing about it.

'I'm Laird Tlaloc Wolfbane. My hobby is hunting and I turned it into a business' he introduced himself.

'Wow, that's... a fancy name' I said surprised. Laird only smirked.

'So, what's the name of your company?' I asked curiously and his smirk only widen.

'Arms & Teeth' he replied and I swear my soul left my body.

I was driving with a man who owned the biggest company of hunting guns and supplies in America.

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