Part 27

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I sat frozen with my face buried in Tlaloc's neck while straddling him, waiting for him to speak.

'Come and sit with us' Tlaloc spoke calmly and I had a huge urge to kick him in the side. I didn't want to speak with Allan, definitely not after he joined these guys and did nothing to save Jack.

I heard some shuffling that was followed by a sigh from Allan.

'I haven't seen Lynea this cozy for more than three years.' he said quietly and I felt Tlaloc perk up.

'Why is that?' Tlaloc asked stopping his work. I felt him place piece of wood by my side and lazily wrap his arms around my torso, turning towards Allan. My personl interest was perked up as well.

Silence stood for a good minute or so and I knew that Allan was thinking if he should elaborate further. I quickly picked up about what he was talking, but stayed quiet and continued pretending that I was asleep.

'I don't know if you want my advice, Alpha, but since you seem to be interested in Lynea, please heed my words: do not play with her feelings, especially with her trust. I know I am in no place to talk about her past, but I can tell this much; If you make even one wrong move, her little trust you, sir, gained will be lost. Forever' 

Silence once again filled the cave and Tlaloc understood that Allan won't speak more. I was thankful that he didn't go into telling Tlaloc my entire life. Not only would that be awkward, but unlike him.

'I'll keep that in mind' he spoke, his hold on me strenghening a little bit.

'Talking about Lynea, will I be able to talk to her when she wakes up?' Allan asked out of the blue and I froze again. Thankfully, Tlaloc had an answer already.

'No' he spoke without any hesitation and picked up his peace of wood.

'Huh? Why?' Allan sounded dumbfounded.

'She is not ready to talk to you. Remember what she saw when she was brought here' 

'Wait, don't tell me she thinks I am behind our kidnapping!' Allan spoke startled and I frowned. Why was he acting surprised?

'She did see you next to me moments before the sacrifice' 

A long line of curses escaped Allan's mouth that made my eyes go wide. I never thought he knew this many cusses.

'Shit, I was afraid this would happen' He finally calmed down. My mind told me not to trust his words, but my heart reminded me that he was my twin; He would never do anything to hurt me.

'Anyway, please tell her that I would like to explain some stuff when she is ready to face me' Allan spoke and from the shuffling sound it looked like he was ready to leave.

Did he came here to talk to me? What would I have done if I was "awake"? Probably ran away from the Tlaloc's living quarters screaming like a moron. Would Allan follow me screaming back at me to stop and listen? My brains did a perfect job in providing me the picture with us running and screaming around the village while others looking at us with really weird looks and whispers. That made me smile.

After, what I could only guess from the sounds, Allan left us, I pushed away from Tlaloc and did a quick scan of the area. He indeed left.

A chuckle from Tlaloc made me look back at him only to find him smirking amusingly. I only rose my brows at him and then looked down at his work. It was.... something.

'What are you making?' I asked and took the thing from his hands. Looking closely, I could see that he was working on a curve.

'A bow' he answered and I looked at him confused. Another weapon?

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