Part 23

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When my mind felt ready for me to get back to reality, it woke me up. The first thing I felt was immense pain in stomach, back and head - places where the woman hit me, with my chest having a little burning feeling. I tried to move, but pain exploded throughout my body and I couldn't keep the groan that left my mouth. My ears instantly picked shuffling sound somewhere not too far away from me and fear gnawed me as I imagined the same woman coming back to finish what she started. I tried to open my eyes, but my eyelids were glued.

The fur I was laying on moved a bit when the person sat next to me. My mind was showing me hundreds of deaths the woman will choose for me when I felt colossal hand cup my face. That made me confused, because it was clearly too big to be woman's and it's roughness said that some really hard work was done.

I tried to open my eyes again and they finally opened. The view of the person was blurry and I had to blink a couple of times before seeing the man before me.

The same man I was thinking about before passing out.

Tlaloc brushed a strand of hair from my face and I woke up from my stare. Feeling a little bit embarrassed I tried to sit up, but stabbing pain went through my body. Tlaloc gently pushed me back and I noticed his hard expression. With every wince from me, his face turned darker and darker and I knew that he was furious. Why though? He has been some what good to me, but I didn't think it was normal to get attached to someone this quickly.

'How are you feeling?' He asked, but his voice gave me the chills. I didn't know if his coldness was pointed at me or someone else, but he was clearly in a bad mood.

'Felt better' I replied with my own voice sounding like broken glass. I watched as he stood up and after shuffling arounf the fireplace, brough me a cup with water. My hands snatched the liquid instantly and I drank it in two gulps.

'Thanks' My throat felt better and I felt a little bit rejuvenated. Tlaloc continued staring at me as if I held the answers for the world's most pressed questions.

'Lynae, what happened?'

'Tripped' my mouth automatically answered and even I couldn't tell why it did that. Maybe I didn't want him to hurt others? Or maybe I had nothing in me to hate the woman since what she said was true - I was weak. Looking at this place, it was obvious that it wasn't the most friendliest of places.

A growl from the depths of Tlaloc's chest brought me back from my thoughts and I flinched at the sound that was followed by a wince from the pain that the sudden movement caused. He was pissed and I could see that, but my mouth stayed shut despite the tension in the air. I had my eyes on him when it happened.

His eyes flickered into bright blue, as if he had lightbulbs in them and pupils shrinked.

My breath cought itself in my throat as I felt his presence grow, pressure to scurry away and leave him in peace appearing out of the blue.

'You want to do this the hard way? I'm fine with that' he said, his voice dropping an octave and he loomed over me. He held himself on his one arm while the other went to the back of my head. Before I could scream in fear or ask him what in the world he was doing, he locked my head in place and leaned in, our lips meeting in a kiss. Upon the touch I froze, my hands shooting up against his chest. I didn't know what to do or how to react, so I just squeezed my eyes shut and waited for him to stop.

Suddenly, memories of the incident began flashing before my eyes. It threw me off and I squeezed my eyes even harder, trying to make them stop and go away, but nothing happened. I watched as fragments of the woman's face appeared, followed by the hits, water and then my last moments conscious. The moment they stopped, Tlaloc pulled away and I opened my eyes. My breathing was off a little and I laid there scared and confused, but what shocked me was his face. A huge growl escaped Tlaloc's chest that made my hair stand up and his lips were pursed with malice radiating from him. His pointy canines were on full display and my eyes refused to move away from them.

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