Part 5

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A silence stood between us for a good minute with neither of us moving. I listened to the trees and ocean as it made soft sounds, thankfully, helping me to calm down.

A shuffling sound came from in front of us and captain's head popped out from behind his seat.

'Kids, are you alright?' He asked breaking the silence.

'We almost died, how do you think we are?!' Anna exploded and tremble in her voice forced me to look at my friend.

Anna was sitting in her seat, still buckled up, but streams of tears ran down her cheeks. Her hair was turned into a crow's nest and her whole body shook like crazy.

'Anna, Kayle saved us with his skills in piloting, so don't lash out on him' Jack defended the captain, but Anna had none of it.

'We almost died because of him being so distracted to even check the helicopter!' She shouted back.

Jack was about to say something, but Kayle butt in before him.

'Jack, it's alright. I take all responsibility for not looking through the helicopter beforehand.' His calm voice was soothing compared to freaked out Anna's voice.

Jack let out a sigh and ran his hand through his hair, nodding to the captain.

'Okay' was all he said. Looking closely, I saw him shaking as well, but not as much as Anna.

'How about we check this place out?' Allan suggested and everybody looked at him like he was an alien. He squirmed uncomfortably and I jumped to the rescue.

'Allan is right. We should look around since I doubt we will be in the air anytime soon' I said and looked at Kayle. He nod grimly.

'Yes. I will look into the damage right away, but I'll need time to fix it. From the sounds it looks like the damage is severe' he said to us.

'How about we search the nearby area for water and food? Unless someone has taken some' Allan got back into conversation and we all glanced at each other.

'I have couple small bottles of water and three packs of chips' Jack said.

'Nothing on me' I said, which was not surprising. I had no time to go down to the kitchen and sneaking food was too dangerous. Plus, we were chased by my parents, so no stops by the grocery shop.

'Nothing on me too' Anna said.

'I have a box of cookies and a box of muffins. Both chocolate flavour. And one liter water bottle' Allan smiled brightly as he spoke about his favourite treats. I had to force my chuckle down from his child like grin, but Anna didn't stop herself from rolling her eyes. Her tears were already gone and her bitchy attitude was surfing out. Most likely from stress.

'Okay, kids. You all go look around, but don't wander off too deep into the forest. Wild animals live here and will be delighted to see such big food just walking around. While you do that, I will try to fix this thing as fast as I can' Kayle ordered us like a father and we all nod in union.

Jack turned around and pushed the door and with the groan it flung open. We all like chickens stumbled out of the helicopter with Kayle climbing out from his side.

Soft sand crunched underneath my feet and I inhaled fresh air. Living in New York makes you forget how awesome it feels for lungs to finally have clean air. It even made my head spin a little, but it only brought smile to my face.

Looking around I saw only bright blue sky with sun shining super bright as always, dark forest before us that swayed to the mild breeze and blue ocean that almost mixed in colour with the sky making the line of horizon barely visible.

'This place is awesome' Allan said walking up to me and I smiled back at him.

'Yes, this place is beautiful. Let's hope it stays this way' I said walking towards the forest line.

'Allan, Lynae wait up!' Jack shouted and ran to us with Anna following close.

'Don't wonder off yet. Kayle might need some help so I will stay with him' Jack said to us and I nod.

'I'll stay here too. I refuse to go into that nasty place' Anna scrunched her nose in disgust and checked if her nails were still in place.

'Anna, it's just the forest. When was the last time you were in one?' Allan rose a brow at her, but only got scoff from Anna before she walked back towards the helicopter.

'You two go on and search' Jack said to us and I with Allan turned around to walk. But before I could take a step, I felt my hand being grabbed.

'Be careful, Lynae' Jack whispered to me. I looked at him, not sure how to react to his sudden worry. In the end I smiled at him.

'I'm always careful' I said and he rose a brow at me. Before he could dive into a monologue about how clumsy I am and such, I pulled my hand away from his and with a chuckle jogged to Allan who was already waiting for me by the forest.

'What was that all about?' Allan asked when we entered the forest.

The temperature instantly dropped and I shivered. Despite how beautiful it looked both from outside and inside, I felt uneasy. Believe me or not, but I was in the forest only once in my intire life and sudden change in environment made me feel out of place. The forest was really dense and loud. Animals and birds communicated with each other causing the whole place feel really busy.

'I don't know, he just became really worried out of the sudden' I answered to Allan as we ducked under a branch. I noticed that Allan became stiff and I looked at him worried.

'Something is wrong?' I asked, but Allan's stiffness instantly disappeared.

'No, everything is fine. I feel so out of place' he confessed and I chuckled.

'Yeah, I feel the same. Everything is so natural out here' I said and brushed my fingers across the shrub with beautiful white flowers all over it.

'Okay, we need to focus and find something edible and drinkable' he said like an expert in surviving in the wilderness and I couldn't hold my laughter. My laugh rang through the forest and Allan smirked at me.

'Okay, sir. Lead the way' I said still giggling.

'Onwards!' He shouted and marched forward with me following him, still laughing.

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