Part 6

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We made sure to walk in straight line when searching for food and water. Somewhere in our walk we found some mushroom and making my cardigan into a basket of sorts, we picked them up. We will ask Kayle if they are edible, but I was sure they were since they were big and brown.

During this hike I understood that in our situation jungle would have been a little bit better than normal forest. In the jungle you could find some fruits to eat, but in here we found only those mushrooms and hoped to find wild apple tree. In the jungle you could make beds from Palm trees and ropes from vines, but in here, well.....

'Allan, we should probably turn back. We have walked a lot deeper than we should have' I spoke as we passed a fallen tree, making it a land mark in my head.

'Yeah, you are right, but we haven't found any fresh water source' he spoke as we stopped.

'We can't particularly say that we found food either.' I said and looked down to my "basket".

Allan chuckled which made me smile.

'True. Maybe Kayle knows how to fish or-' but he didn't finish what he wanted to say.

He was cut short by a scream that came from far away. It reached all the way to us and we both froze.

I looked at Allan whose eyes were wide, just like mine.

'That sounded like Anna' I whispered to him.

'Or Jack' Allan whispered back and I couldn't hold a snort.

'Allan, are you serious?' I asked with a small smile and he grinned back at me.

'Anything could happen' he said and another scream rang through the forest, causing our smiles to vanish.

'We need to go back, fast!' he said and bolted the way we came from. I quickly grabbed the "basket" more securely and ran after Allan.

Soon I lost him because he was a lot faster than me, but I wasn't scared. I knew that if I ran straight, the forest would end eventually.

When I felt that I was running out of air, I had to stop for a moment. Breathing deeply I made sure not to move my eyes from the tree that was before me.

'Damn it, Allan.' I cursed that my friend forgot that I was slow as a snail. Standing alone in the middle of the forest was not the best case scenario for me.

When I felt my heart beginning to calm down, I began walking. But my walk turned into a creepy one. I felt like something was watching my every step and my body shook just thinking about it. My pace quickened, but the feeling lasted.

When I felt like I was about to be grabbed from behind, I sharply turned around, freezing in my spot.

I saw the same trees and shrubs. My eyes darted around, but I saw nothing. Yet the feeling of someone's eyes on me was still there.

Then it hit me.

I rose my head up and looked into trees' branches around me. Nothing. The forest was dead quiet. Birds were nowhere to be found and their songs stopped. Only rustle of leaves were left and I felt goosebumps appear on my body. Something was not right.

Still looking around I began slowly retreating. I was confused of why the forest went dead quiet, but I had a nudge that whoever or whatever was watching me was the cause of it. Not wanting to found out, I sprung and ran away.

When I bolted out of the forest line I saw my friends around the helicopter. I quickly went there and saw Anna hysterically sobbing while Jack comforted her.

'What's going on?' I asked and Allan pulled me into a hug, making sure that my eyes were on his chest.

'You better off not seeing that' he whispered and I felt him tremble. Confused, I tried to push away, but his grip was too strong for me to break. It made me frustrated.

'Allan, what's going on?!' I rose my voice and finally was able to break loose. Before he could pull me away, I ran to the nose of the helicopter.

And gagged.

Before me was the most disgusting scene I have ever seen.

The helicopter's front was open and on the engine laid Kayle. His head was severed from the body and placed above the corpse. His blood was still fresh and painted the engine in red. There were splashes of red on the inside of the hood as if someone threw a bucket full with blood, dripping down the body together with other yellow bodily fluid, it made a pool on the golden sand by his feet. He laid there sprawled like a star. His belly was ripped open with skin loosely dangling on the edges of the opening and everything was pulled out. Guts were tangled with his legs, still fresh and bloody, and liver laid between his legs. A meter or so away from him I saw another, smaller pool of blood with peaces of his lungs drenched in it, looking like a soup. In Kayle's mouth I saw something big and dark red and instantly knew it was his heart. His eyes were gauged out and placed in his palms, leaving streaks of red on his cheeks. The smell of blood and organs were sufficating and made me gag even more. I closed my mouth with my hand and couldn't turn away.

I felt my body go numb and I stumbled away from the scene. I was engulfed in warm hands and sobs escaped my lips. My ear picked Allan's soothing voice, but my mind was only showing me the horror that was left from Kayle.

'Who did it?' I asked the group, my voice barely audible. Silence followed my words and it made me angry.

'Who did it?!' I shouted and saw everybody flinch from my scream.

'I-I found him l-like that' Anna sobbed and I looked at her as if she was a stranger.

'You with Jack were with him' I didn't even notice how my voice turned accusing.

'We did not do that. Kayle asked us to go get you two and we did. Anna began complaining and went back shortly after and found him. I ran back and soon after you two came back' Jack explained frustrated and I calmed down.

'I'm sorry, I know neither of us would do it.' I whispered and placed my head back on Allan's chest.

'Talking about us, I'm sorry that I left you in the forest, I forgot you are slow' Allan apologized and it clicked to me again.

'They did it' I said loud enough for everybody to hear and pushed away from Allan, but still turned away from the grotesque scene.

'They?' Jack asked and looked at me like I was going insane.

'I don't know if I'm right, but when I stopped to catch my breath, I felt like something was watching me. I swear I felt like someone tried to grab me from behind, but I turned around and nobody was there' I explained recent situation I was in.

'But you saw no one' Anna said skeptically and I nod.

'Yes, but the forest was silent. Allan, you know how loud birds were when we entered the forest' I looked at my best friend and saw him nod in approval.

'Yes, the forest was super loud'

'And yet it went dead silent at the same time I felt someone watching me'

'What are you trying to say?' Jack asked and I could see everybody listening to me with fear on their faces.

'What I'm saying is somebody knew that Kayle was our only way out. We are not alone in this island'

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