Part 53

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<>°Little bit of strong language°<>


That was the only thought I had while Laird and I walked back to the village. My insides were in pain and I could barely stand on my feet with my jelly legs. Laird offered to carry me all the way back, but my stubborn me refused. I didn't want to make a scene or give others something to gossip about. Laird, on the other hand, was amused beyond the space and back. He had a very proud face as if he had just conquered a nation or something. Every time I would wince or frown from pain, his smirk would only widen. I tried my best to ignore that.

By the time we reached the village, the sun was already climbing over the horizon. We were met by Ogden and Allan, waiting by the statues and conversing about something. I watched as Allan said something to Ogden, grinning like a child, and then laughed. Ogden didn't laugh, but I could see his lips tilt a microscopic bit. His eyes held amusement as he watched Allan goof around. It wasn't the amusement like Laird had plastered on his face, but more like "you look stupid right now, but very cute". Seeing them getting together so well made me smile as well. It seemed that we both accepted our situation and now were both enjoying our time here. As much as you could with a killer on the loose.

They noticed us when we were a couple of meters away and Allan grinned at us.

'Where were you guys, we have been waiting- why are you walking like a penguin, Twin?' Allan changed his question mid question. Before I could answer, his face turned into shocked one as he looked between me and Laird and then smirked at me.

'Oooooohhh, finally lost the V card to our Alpha, Twin?' He wiggled his eyebrows at me as he put his arm around my shoulders. I frowned and glared at him, trying my best to ignore Laird's chuckle, but finally got pissed off when even Ogden had a small "I see what you did there" smile.

'At least I'm moving my relationship to the next level unlike you two' I pointed at Allan and Ogden. The latter lost his smile and blinked at me and this time it was my turn to smirk. 'Stop looking at me like an owl, Ogden, and instead move your ass a little. And if I see another "I fucked her hard enough" smirk, Laird, I will cut your dick off and serve it to you as dinner' I turned my remaining anger on Laird who only raised his eyebrows. I knew that they were just teasing me, but being surrounded by males all the time made me a little bit defensive. Who am I kidding, I couldn't take humour at all.

'You guys go do whatever men do when they have a killer breathing down their necks and I'm going to walk this pain off' I said as I turned my back and began walking towards the other side of the forest.

'Don't walk off to far, Lynea' Laird's serious voice reached my ear and I just raised thumbs up to show him that I heard him.

Walking pass the tree line, I felt a shiver go down my spine as temperature dropped. With peace and quiet surrounding me, I breathed in fresh air as my mind went back to last night. My cheeks went red and I shook my head.

Can't believe we actually did that. And without any...... protection.

My eyes went wide and my feet stopped me from moving further.

Oh no. Oh no, no, no, no, no.... I just finished my cycle a few days ago. What if I do get pregnant? Do they have painkillers? I heard the labour can be deadly. What if I die during labour?! And what kind of a baby will I have? Will it be a human baby or a wolf pup? Don't wolves have 5 or so pups?

My mind quickly spiralled off the topic as more bizarre and grim thoughts came in, quickly having no ties with possible motherhood. My legs began moving quickly as I walked through the forest, the pain in my lower body long forgotten.

I need to speak to someone who knows these kind of things. The Herbalist? Fuck that woman, I don't want to even see her. Orna? Yes, Orna! She has a son, she surely can enlighten me on some of these things.

My body quickly did 180° turn as I began speeding through the forest back towards the village.

'Someone is in the hurry' a serene voice reached me, freezing me in place. I turned around only to find a barely recognizable Anna sitting on a rock and making a flower wreath.

'Anna? You look.... different'

And she did. Her city clothes were gone and instead she wore a modest fur dress that covered her cleavage and ankles. Her once loose hair was braided and put up into a ring around her head. She had no make up, be it natural or fake, and no accessories with was usualy a big no-no to her.

'Do I?' She asked without looking at me. I frowned as I walked to her. Something was off about her. Her expressive personality was gone and before me sat a quiet girl.

'I.... never knew you liked these kind of dresses' I spoke, confused by what I was seeing.

'I don't. But you yourself told me to adapt to my surroundings, did you not?' She rose her eyes for a second and got back to weaving.

'Well.... I did, but I didn't mean for you to loose your....' I didn't know how to speak with this Anna. It wasn't her, but it was her at the same time.

'My what?' She stopped her handy work and calmly looked at me. The old Anna would have been on my ass, her loud voice booming through the forest, but now it was silence.

'Your... personality' I managed to finish my sentence, but she didn't answer. Instead, she rose her eyebrows at me for a few seconds and then turned to look at something in the forest.

Silence stood between us as I felt more and more awkward.

'So.... how have you been?' I tried starting another conversation.

'Good, you?'



I bit my lower lip as I glanced at Anna. She was still looking somewhere, sitting like a statue.

'Has something happened? You can talk to me, you know, like old times' I tried again.

'Nothing interesting' Anna replied and another silence stood between us. With no conversation being held by her, I began looking around and my eyes landed on the flower wreath.

'That's a very nice flower crown'


With another silence strangling us, I looked over the flower wreath. It had many flowers put together. Some were small and almost hidden by bigger ones, others stood out by their bright colours. But what caught my attention was the pastel pink flower in the middle, by the way Anna held the wreath.

It was the Deathly Lullaby.

I could feel my body beginning to sweat as I began fidgeting. How did she get it? I thought it was forbidden to have them in possession.

'Ummm.... Anna, where did you find... those pink flowers?' I asked nervously. She looked down at her work and moved the wreath so that the pastel pink flower would be even more visible.

'This one? In the forest just like others. Why?' She asked as her eyes bored into mine, her gaze feeling really heavy. Should I tell her about the incident and the ban or talk to Laird first? I bit my lower lip.

'No nothing, it's just that I haven't seen that one around' I answered. Anna didn't try to dig for the real reason like she always would, but instead began working on the wreath again.

With her going silent again, I glanced at the road. My feet began moving me backwards on their own.

'Well.... I'll leave you to it then. I have some things to do. See you later'

A hum was the only answer I got and with that I power walked away and towards the village. I had to speak with Laird, now.

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