Stage 5: Part 65

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Laird was frozen with the rest of his pack. Before their eyes their Luna came back from the dead, what else they should do? It has never happened before, but here it is.

Laird cautiously leaned towards his "supposed to be dead" mate and sniffed her. The same light musky scent reached him, but reminded him of her old scent as well. It was a mix of the two, but her latter scent more dominant because of the change. He watched the woman as his pack slowly surrounded the two, gawking at their unconscious Luna. And then the murmurs began.

'Our God released her from the Ethereal fields? But why?' One of the warriors spoke, but was met with a snarl from his companion.

'Released? No one can be pardon from death. She must have escaped'

'Maybe she never died? But more importantly, how did she get her beast? She was born human, it shouldn't be possible'

Hushed theories began being passed between the pack, all of them confused about the appearance of their Luna. It ranged from her restless soul running away from their God of Death to her being resurrected using black magic. Whatever the pack believed, their hushed talk ceased when their not so dead Luna stirred, a grunt leaving her mouth.

The only indication Laird gave to indicate that he was surprised by the sound was his ears turning forward towards the sound. He has been watching the woman all this time unmoving, ignoring Cane who walked to him. His eyes were only on his mate as she moved her head and slowly opened her eyes.

Lynea's POV.


That was my first thought as I woke up. My body was raked with pain as if I just worked out for a week non-stop. Trying to move only resulted in more pain and I groaned, deciding to just continue laying. My eye lids felt heavy, but with a little bit of struggle, I managed to open them. I was met by gentle grass blades touching my cheek and furry legs of all colours. The light pierced my eyes and I closed them, frowning from sharp pain in my head. Confusion was all I felt. Why was I laying on the ground, surrounded by wolves?

Wait, wolves?

I opened my eyes again and this time looked around. Wolves, everywhere. Their fur scent mixed with pine trees and mud reached my nose and I frowned again. Why do they smell so much? I tried to sit up, but fatigue hit me like a truck. My face smacked against the ground, lifted barely a centimetre off the ground.

I felt a cold wet nose press against my shoulder as claws gripped my arm. Before I could go into a panic mode, my body was rolled on my back. Black face of a wolf beast with navy blue eyes stared at me and I blinked at him. His name slowly coming back to me.

'Laird?' I spoke, but my voice was barely a whisper from exhaustion. Why was I so tired? And why am I surrounded by wolves like I had been hunted down or something?

Laird turned to a normal looking wolf next to him.

'Continue the search, I'll deal with her'

I heard Laird's order, but his voice sounded really far away. His words were barely understandable. What does he mean "deal with me"? Did something happen? Well, obviously, happened because I was laying on the ground exhausted in the middle of nowhere.

All of the gawking wolves moved away from me and dispersed, continuing the search for something. Once I and Laird were alone, he turned to me. He lowered his head and snuggled to my face, making me smile. His soft fur devoured my face, but I enjoyed the feeling. Raising my hand, I was about to pet him, but my eyes quickly noticed the half dried blood coating my hand. I frowned, even more confused.

'Laird, why am I bloody?' I asked into his head, my voice muffled by his fur. He growled into my ear and stopped assaulting my face. His lips were pulled into a snarl as he rose up from me.

'Let's go home, we will talk there' he answered and I nod. His clawed hand went under my waist and in one swift motion I was thrown over his shoulder. My face collided with his furry back and I groaned, but didn't complain. He was carrying me, that was fine by me. I was too exhausted to walk anyway.

Once we came back, I noticed all of who we passed stare at us. Like they saw a ghost or something. Laird ignored them and passed the sacrificial pedestal. I knew we were going to pay Herbalist a visit. Soon enough, we passed the loose cloth "door" and entered the tent where she resided in. I was gently sat on the table where I first woke up after being kidnapped. Snapping of bones instantly followed. I forced my eyes to go up and look at Laird who still had Tlaloc's body in control. Before either of us could speak, the Herbalist came inside as well.

'Well, this is surprising' she spoke quietly as her eyes landed on me. Instead of answering to her, I leaned into Laird's chest in order to not fall off the table. He placed his hands on my shoulder, keeping me sitting straight.

Silence stood between us as the Herbalist walked to us. Her eyes watching me like a hawk. Or a wolf.

'How are you feeling?' She asked me.

'Tired' I murmured.

She frowned and, suddenly, leaned in. I frowned at her as she sniffed me like a real dog and glanced at Laird. They both were looking at each other with weird stares before the Herbalist brought her attention back at me.

'What do you remember last?' She asked me seriously and I looked at her weirdly.

'Burning your apprentice's body. The soul sending ritual?' Why was she asking me that? Both of them looked at me like I was the embodiment of the Deathly Lullaby itself. Something wasn't right.

Laird's chest vibrated in a growl as he locked his eyes with the Herbalist once again.

'What do you know about resurrection, Witch?' Laird calmly asked and my eyes went wide.


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