|1| New Life. New Student.

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The streets were quite and quaint during the dark and cool night. Much to my liking. It meant that I didn't have to deal with any humans at this hour. My dark grey eyes stared at the night sky above me. The full moon shone down onto this cruel world I call my home. I closed my eyes as a slight breeze blew past. I let my head drop and opened my eyes to the path that lead me towards my new life.

Cross Academy.

// Morning //

The school was in full effect. The Day Class students hustled towards their first class of the day. Many were talking between themselves while others had their heads stuck in a book or looking off into the distance.

I stood at the entrance to the school. The large gates closed off the prestigious school from the cruel and unforgiving world. My eyes watched as the humans walked past.


My arm clenched around my stomach as a small, sharp pain hit it. I gritted my teeth trying to quieten the sound.

What do I expect? I haven't eaten in nearly a month.

My eyes began to follow the students. My tongue involuntarily licked my lips as the smell of their flesh began to hit my nose.

"Not now. I'll eat later." I reached down into my pocket and pulled out my phone checking the time.

8:45 am.

"Well, I guess I can go for a quick snack." A grin etched itself onto my face at the thought of food. I slipped away from the gates and back into town. This time of day, there were much more people around.

Eat! Food! FLESH!

I tried to shut out the voices that began to scream in my head as the smell of human flesh entered my nose once again. I shut my eyes as the voices became louder. I could feel my kakugan activate. I gritted my teeth and placed my hand over my eyes as I began to stumble around for an alleyway.

I managed to safely get to an alleyway off to the side without anyone bothering me. I quickly reached into the backpack that I carried and managed to grab onto a package. I pulled it out and tore it open. The two-day-old meat was instantly stuffed into my mouth. The juicy but slightly stale meat slid down my throat as I devoured it.

"Thank god Uta gave me a couple of these before I left," I mumbled as I stuffed the rest of the meat down my throat. I felt my kakugan deactivate as my hunger was satisfied. I rested my head on the brick wall that was behind me as I finished my food. I scrunched up the piece of paper and threw it into a pile of trash that was across from me. I raised my hand up and began to wipe off any blood that may have been left after my meal.

I grabbed my phone and turned on the camera to face me. After checking to make sure there was no trace of my meal, I stuffed my phone back into my pocket and picked up my bag. I exited the alleyway as discreetly as I could, stepping out into the busy street and back into the never endless crowd.

As I walked I accidentally bumped into someone. I looked up immediately about to apologize but stopped myself when I saw white hair.


The person in front of me gave me a snarl. I snapped out of my thoughts and saw that it was a boy with silver hair instead of white. I shook my head.

"Sorry," I mumbled before I began to walk off. I could feel the boy staring at the back of my head. I mean could you blame him?

I disappeared into the crowd and then I disappeared altogether.

Point of No Return - Tokyo Ghoul/Vampire Knight Crossover #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now