|12| The Truth Unveiled.

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Dawn began to break and make its mark on the day. The early morning was cool but the rays of the sun began to warm my skin. It was the perfect temperature to help calm my aching body and raging nerves. My body and mind were still pent up with so much frustration and anger from the white-haired shit.

Hot tears streamed down my face from the anger and betrayal I felt in me. My hands began to tighten around the tree branch I was sat on. Every time his face or his voice or even his name would come into my mind, my grip got tighter and tighter.

That fucking bastard. I'll make him pay for the shit he put me through. Ill make him pay-


"What the-" My body began to plummet downwards as gravity pulled me. My back collided with the ground and the wind was knocked out of me. A searing pain shot through my body as I coughed and gasped for air.

I laid there for a few seconds as I tried to recover.

"You should be more careful you know." A low voice said, I looked upwards and saw Zero standing above me. I frowned at his words. I moved away and pushed myself up, I dusted off all the grass and pieces of dirt that stuck to me.

"Kaji are you ok?" He asked from behind me.

"I'm fine." I said shortly.

"You're obviously not."

"Not now Zero. I am not in the mood." I said abrasively. I went to walk off but Zero's touch caused me to stop. The force of his grip forced me to turn around and face him. When I did, he froze when he saw my face.

"You've been crying." He said, a look of concern washed onto his face.

"So what?" I said and quickly wiped away my tears. But I didn't do much as Zero pulled me in and hugged me tight. His arms wrapped around me like a safety barrier, trying to protect me from the harsh reality of the outside world. Zero placed one hand behind my head and pushed it into his chest, he was preventing me from fighting it.

"Zero I-"

"Shhh, it's ok. I am here for you." He whispered. The softness in his voice brought a sense of calm to me. It somehow was enough to break me, I let my defences down and let the tears stream freely. My sobs were muted but my tears were warm.

I didn't understand it, but I felt safe in Zero's arms. He was providing me the comfort I had been craving for a long time. He was providing his shoulder for me to cry on, he was providing me the comfort I so desperately needed. So much had happen in the last two days that all the emotions were finally catching up to me and my body.

I felt Zero begin to slowly rock my body as a way to comfort. I felt the hand he had on my head begin to slowly rub it. He was acting like a big brother trying to console his younger sibling.

"I don't know what to do anymore." I confessed to the boy.

"What do you mean?" He asked, his voice was soft and comforting.

"I thought I had everything figured out when I came here." I started, "I thought if I came here I could live the rest of my life in peace."

The feeling of Zero's cold hand holding my chin and lifting it up so I could meet his lilac eyes. For once his eyes weren't cold and void of emotion. They were soft and caring, they held an emotion I had never seen in his eyes before.

"Kaji, if you ever need anything, I am here for you." He said, "You can trust me."

Can I?

I wasn't sure if I could but something inside me told me that I could trust him. We fell into a silence, I had become lost in his eyes. I was so focused on him and his words that I didn't realise that I leaned my head closer to him. He was hesitant at first but he slowly leaned his head down.

Point of No Return - Tokyo Ghoul/Vampire Knight Crossover #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now