|30| The Climax

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*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

"Zero!" Yuki yelled.

Hio began to laugh, that was when the boy stood back. No blood spilled; however, it did ruin my black dress.


ZERO UTTERED out in complete shock as he recognised my black dress and hair.

"Kaji? What do you mean?" Yuki asked confused.

"Why- Why would you protect that monster?" He asked. I could hear the pain and betrayal in his voice, and that broke me.

"I already told you why Zero." Was the only thing that I could utter out at that moment.

He remained silent for a bit; he must have remembered back to earlier this evening.

"Zero, Kaji, what is going on?" Yuki asked still confused at what was going on before her.

Zero in a fit of anger, however, pushed me aside before firing another barrage of bullets at the vampire I was protecting.

Two of the four shots he fired manage to make contact with his target.

Hio began to laugh.

"You think that will be enough to kill me?" Hio mocked. I saw Zero lift his gun up again before he could fire again, I got up and protected the female vampire.

As I moved, I had activated my Kakugan and Kagune. My red tail began to deflect Zero's bullets.

Although vampire bullets don't do any damage to me, they still hurt like a motherfucker. So, I'd rather have my tail take the bullets rather than my body.

"Kaji why are you protecting her?!" Zero yelled at me.

"You wouldn't understand Zero!" I yelled back. Hio laughed behind me. She embraced me from behind and placed a hand on my cheek.

"See Zero, it's not just you that I have under my control." Hio laughed.

"Don't touch her!" Zero was now seething at this point. If I am honest, I was scared of Zero at this point. I have never seen him so angry.

"Those eyes say so much, he doesn't even need to think. He knows in his heart he wants to destroy himself with me." Hio laughed.

Out of nowhere, a sword was thrown and pierced Zero's arm.

"Zero!" Yuki called out.

We all looked over and saw Ichiru. I merely 'tched' at the boy's presence.

"Shizuka, why are you doing this? Why are you playing with him? I will not allow this." The boy stated.

"Humph don't interfere." Hio ordered. She turned towards the door and began to walk out. Not knowing what to do I simply began to follow her.

"Zero and I have unfinished business besides, you have no need to worry I have things well under control and I have no intention of dying here." Hio said to the boy as she walked out of the room.

"Shizuka!" I heard Zero call out behind me.

I didn't hear what he had to say as I didn't want to listen. I already felt so conflicted with myself at this moment.

Was what I was doing even right? I mean yes, I am helping my friends back home in the wards but in order to do that, I am hurting my friends here. My god why is this so hard?

"You did well back there. I can see how conflicted you are with your actions. But don't worry keep this up and I promise I will complete my end of the deal." I heard Hio stated in front of me. 

Point of No Return - Tokyo Ghoul/Vampire Knight Crossover #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now