|17| Annoying Brat

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"Please don't leave Kaji!"

"We'll do anything to help you stay!"

"Please don't leave us!"

I opened my eyes as the voices in my head screamed at me. Except they weren't fictional voices, they were memories. Memories of when I had to tell my family that I had to leave.

I took a deep breath and let out a sigh as these memories were now starting to haunt me. I slightly shifted in my place but stopped when I noticed I was no longer on the cold hard ground.

I lifted my head and saw that I was lying on a mattress with a blanket being draped over me.

What the?

I sat up completely and saw that I was in an unfamiliar room. A slight dread was filling me as I began to frantically look around the room to try and understand where I was. I only stopped when I saw a familiar sleeping boy on the floor of the room. When I noticed who it was, I let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I frowned though when it dawned on me that I was lying on the bed and he was lying on the floor. While it was a kind gesture of him to do, we did just fuck last night. I wouldn't have minded if he slept with me in the bed.

That was something you wouldn't see often in Zero though, you wouldn't see how much he actually cares about other people and their needs. It brought a warmth to me to see that even people like him could still worry about others needs.

I looked around the room once more and deduced that this must be Zero's dorm room. As my eyes scanned the room, I noticed that my clothes from yesterday were neatly folded on the table in his room. I quickly lifted the blanket that covered me and saw that I was in an oversized shirt and shorts.

A soft smile made its way on my face at the thoughtfulness of the boy. I lifted the blanket off my body and swung my legs to the side of the bed. Zero began to stir in his sleep and I thought he was going to wake up, but all he did was stretch and rollover.

As quietly as I could, I lifted myself off the bed, grabbed my clothes and made my way to Zeros bathroom that was on the other side of the room. I was thankful that he had a shower in his room, I so desperately wanted to clean myself before I left and I didn't want to use the communal showers in the dorm.

When I entered the bathroom, I placed my clothes on the bench and turned on the water. As I waited for the water to warm up, I stripped myself from the borrowed clothes and looked at my pale skin. My mind wandered to last night and I smiled, I was able to feel something I thought I could only feel with one person.

But it was different, and I didn't mind it.

I snapped from my thoughts and jumped into the shower, letting the warm water relax my muscles and body. I quickly washed everything needed, as I didn't want to spend too much time in here. Once I was clean I jumped out of the shower and dried myself before placing my clothes from yesterday on.

Once I was presentable, I stepped out of the bathroom and back into Zero's room. When I entered, I saw that the boy was awake and...shirtless.

"Good morning." I greeted in a soft tone. Zero turned around at the sound of my voice and gave a soft smile.

"Morning." He mumbled, his voice was slightly hoarse indicating he was still waking up. I walked over to his bed and placed his clothes on it.

"Thank you for these by the way," I told him as I placed his clothes neatly on his bed. "I'll wash them when I get the chance."

I heard his footsteps as he came up behind me. His arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me close to him. I could feel his bare chest against my back.

Point of No Return - Tokyo Ghoul/Vampire Knight Crossover #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now