|18| Job Request

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I stood before the Headmaster and Kaname, no one had yet told me why I was here but, I saw that Yuki, Takuma and Zero were also present in the room. So whatever this was, it must be serious in some way.

"Thank you Aido for bringing her here. You may leave." Kaname said to the blonde who brought me here.

Aido, so that was his name.

The said boy bowed before he exited the room. I rolled my eyes at the action. I focused my attention on the Headmaster who was sitting behind his desk. Once the sound of the door shut, Headmaster Cross turned to face me.

"You can remove your mask now." The Headmaster told me. I didn't do as he told though, my eyes flicked to Yuki who had never seen me in this uniform before. I was hesitant and I didn't want her to see me like this. The Headmaster seemed to catch on to what I was feeling and nodded his head in reply.

"Yuki you are not needed for this meeting. You may leave and return to your duties." The Headmaster stated.

"Headmaster Cross, why can't I stay?" She objected.

"Because this matter involves the Vampire Hunter Association, so Zero is required to be here." The Headmaster explained.


"The Headmaster is right Yuki, this matter doesn't involve you. Please do as he says." Kaname cut her off. Yuki didn't seem happy with what was said but nevertheless followed Kaname's orders and left the room. Man, she was smitten for that boy.

Once I heard her footsteps fade until I could no longer hear her, I took off my mask. My hair fell from its position and I brushed a hand through my hair to release some of the tension from it. The room remained silent for a little bit so I decided to pipe up.

"May I ask as to why you asked me here?" I started, "You mentioned that this has something to do with the Vampire Hunter Association?"

"Correct, the association has received word of several deaths and disappearances in town and they want someone to investigate." The Headmaster stated.

"If it's an issue with the association, why am I here?" I asked, still unsure as to why I was summoned for this meeting.

"We asked you here because the association isn't sure that it is a vampire." The Headmaster said.

"What are you saying, Headmaster?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. It hadn't clicked in my mind yet as to what they were saying.

"The association has reason to believe that the entity behind the attacks isn't a vampire in nature. The bodies that have been recovered are unrecognisable and have been torn to shreds." The Headmaster continued to explain.

Then it clicked.

"Oh," I said, I looked up to meet the Headmaster's eyes. "You're saying that they believe it's a ghoul that is behind this?"

"Yes, we believe so but we have no concrete evidence since we haven't dealt with your kind before." I nodded my head in understanding.

"Why haven't you contacted the CCG then?" I asked, as much as I don't want them here, they would be able to deal with whoever is best.

"Well, two reasons. One we don't know if it is a ghoul yet and second if it is we took into consideration that we have you." The Headmaster answered.

"Also, it would be easier and less messy if we send you in." Kaname piped up. I nodded my head in understanding.

"So you said that mass amount of people have disappeared or shown up dead and those you have recovered are practically unrecognisable, yes?"


Point of No Return - Tokyo Ghoul/Vampire Knight Crossover #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now