|22| An Old Foe

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"Well, well, well, who are you? I haven't seen you before."


It was the boy that was constantly around the little brat.

"None of your business." I muttered. I continued to walk away from him.

"Hold on." I froze slightly, "I know that voice."

He turned towards me and stared at my back.

"You're that guard that the Headmaster sent to look after my master" He said.

"I believe you have mistaken me for someone else." I said I changed my voice to make it less noticeable.

"Oh, my mistake then, I'm sorry for bothering you." He said and continued to walk away.

My cold beating heart was erratic at the moment. I was almost caught. I took a deep breath and continued to walk back to the dorm.

My guard was on high alert now since the brat and her bodyguard were back. I had to make sure she didn't see me out of my outfit.

I entered the dormitory and headed straight to my room. By the time I reached my room, I was in a jog. I entered my and quickly shut my door. I rested my back against my door.

I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding in. I remained in that position for a few more seconds before getting up and walking to my wardrobe and grabbing my hunting outfit and mask.

Looks like I would be missing the rest of the school night. I placed on my outfit and some more scent nullifier before I left my room again. I surveyed the surroundings to make sure nobody saw me leave.

I smelt the air and smelt the usual. Vampires in the classroom and Humans in the dormitory. Yuki and Zero's scent was nearby as well.

I looked around again and made sure nobody was around. Once the coast was clear I made my way into the forest. I cleared the tree line and ventured deeper into the forest. I needed to make sure that when the brat sees me, it will be in the forest and not anywhere near the dorms.

I wondered a little before I heard something snap. My guard went up and my senses were on high alert. I began to look around my surroundings and sniffed the air.

I could feel someone here, but I wasn't sure who. I could smell something, but it was something I have never smelt before.

It was a mix of something. It was a mix of two things that I smelt before.

"What is it?" I muttered to myself.

I continued to walk towards where the scent was and found myself in a clearing of sorts. I recognised it from when I fought with the brat's bodyguard. Except something was different now.

The scent was a lot stronger now. I tried to pick up any smell or sound of this thing. My eyes shifted around the tree line trying to catch a glimpse of something.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Hydra. We meet again." A deep menacing voice grumbled from the tree line.

"I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but I don't seem to recall who you are." I said into the tree line. "Why don't you come out and show yourself so I can jog my memory."

A low chuckle was all I got in reply. Soon after a faint rustling of leaves was heard as the entity made its appearance. It was a man of  features. He had scars covering every inch of his body, he had a missing eye and only one hand.

"Jeez, what happened to you? It looks like you were dragged through hell and back." I stated after I took in his appearance.

"Now do you recognise me?" I continued to rack through my brain to see if I recognised this man, but nothing came.

"Sorry to burst your bubble again but I do not." I stated. This appeared to anger him.

"You bitch! You were the one who did this to me!" He yelled in an extremely hateful way. This seemed to click something in my mind.

"Oh! You're that binge eater ghoul that I took down a couple of weeks ago! Now I remember." I laughed to myself a little before looking back at him. "Shit, I thought I killed you, looks like I have only just severely damaged most of your body."

"Yeah and now you'll pay for this." He seethed and lunged at me. My eyes widened slightly, and I jumped back and out of the way. I saw him activate his kagune and his bikaku shined bright underneath the moonlight.

The tail-like kagune glinted before it was thrown at me. I jumped in the air but was then kicked in the side. I was flung across the opening and into a tree. My back made impact and I heard something crack.

I let out a muffled scream that sounded more like an agonising grunt. I fell to the ground, I tried to lift myself up and agonising pain and fell back onto the ground. I could hear him walk over to me.

His heavy and sluggish footsteps could be heard as he walked over to me.

"The fuck is this? You aren't the same bitch that nearly killed me." he kicked me in the gut, and I wheezed and grunted. He picked me up by my collar and threw me towards the other side of the clearing.

This time I heard my ribs crack when I hit the tree.

What is wrong with me right now? Why can't I fight?

I heard his footsteps make their way over to me again.

"I thought I was fighting one of the most feared ghouls in all of the 20th ward." He said

This time he grabbed me by my neck and lifted me off the ground. I began to gasp and loose air.

"You aren't Hydra, you're just a child pretending to be her." He squeezed my neck tighter. "I'll make sure that you're remembered, like an ignorant child who thought they could change the world."

He began to laugh sadistically as he began to tighten his grip around my neck.

I secretly activated my kagune. 

"Don't...you...remember...the saying?" I asked through gasps. He squinted his eyes and tilted his head in confusion. 

I gave a sadistic smile before driving my kagune through his chest. I watched as his face turned to one of shock and then to agony. I began to twist my rinkaku in his chest. I moved it around and grabbed into his heart.

Blood spurted out of his mouth as my rinkaku moved about in his chest.

"Cut off one limb,"

I began to squeeze and tug his heart.

 I could see his facial expressions change with each squeeze and tug of his heart.

I ripped his heart out with one final pull. His body fell to the ground, it spasmed a bit before it finally stopped and remained motionless.

"Two more takes its place."

My whole body ached, and it became hard to move any of my limbs as the severity of my injuries was finally dawning on me.

I could sense someone walked towards me but my vision had become blurry. I tried to ward off the person but my kagune deactivated as I had lost too much energy and my body couldn't withstand anything.

I could see the black spots start to appear in the corner of my eyes. I knew I was about to pass out.

Which isn't good.

"Time to see who you really are."

I heard someone say before I fully passed out.

Aye! I'm back :D

hehehehe sorry. 

(please do comment, I love reading them they make my day)

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