|28| Getting Ready

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I woke up feeling refreshed for once.

After last night's session with Zero, he walked me back to my dorm. Very little words were spoken between us on the walk.

We said a brief goodbye before we parted ways.

Once I entered my own room I went straight to sleep.

Now it was the morning of the Ball.

A notification ringed on my phone. I lifted my body over to where it was.

**Hair appointment: 8:30 am**

I had an hour to get ready and head into town. I let out a sigh and began to drag myself out of bed. I made my way over to the bathroom and began to shower. I made sure to clean every part of me.

I knew that if I even had a speck of dirt on my body tonight at the ball. Kaname would never let it go.

I let out an aggravated sigh as I turned off the showers water.

After drying myself, I changed into some presentable clothes before exiting my room to head to the headmaster's office.

Since today was the day of the ball, we had no school today. Everyone had the day off to get ready for the anticipated ball.

After entering the schools main building, I made a beeline for the office. once reaching there I sniffed the air to see if the headmaster was in. after confirming he was, I knocked on the door.

"Come in." the headmaster's voice rung through the air.

I opened the door and stuck my head in.

"Hey, it's Kaji. I just came to tell you that I have an appointment in town, so I need permission to leave the school premises." I briefly explained.

"All students have permission today to leave campus in order to get ready for the ball tonight. You already have permission, so you didn't need to come to me to ask for permission." The headmaster told me.

"ah." Was all I said in return. "Sorry to bother you then."

After thanking him, I closed the door and started to make my way to the school gates.

I hummed slightly to myself to pass the time. Since everyone had the day off to prepare for the ball tonight, many students slept in. A luxury that was rare when you live on campus at a prestigious school.

The warming air was an indicator that today was going to be a warm day.

I felt at ease for once. I loved these colder days when the sun came out a warm hue took over your body.

I made it to the gates, I was surprised to see that no one was there to greet me. Which I did find odd.

I was half excepting to see the silver-haired boy standing at the gates ready to stop me. But I was met with the gates wide open, I was slightly sad but slightly happy.

I half wanted to see the boy to make sure he was ok after yesterday's events, but I was half happy as I knew that he was finally at ease in his life, even though everything was going to fall around him tonight.


I suddenly remembered my deal with the demon.

I knew that shit was going to go down tonight and for a rare moment in my life, I had no control over what was going to happen and I was scared.

Me, scared?

Those two words just simply don't go together.

I simply laughed at those words.

Point of No Return - Tokyo Ghoul/Vampire Knight Crossover #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now