|13| Locked Up

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A shooting pain raged through my body, the worst of it was in my spine and lead up to my head. I let out a groan as I tried to open my eyes to see where I was. My vision was blurry, so I had to rely on touch to try and figure out as to where I was. I could feel concrete and brick around me, I could feel metal pressed against my ankles, wrists and neck.

My vision began to slowly come back to mean I was able to see where I was. The light was dim, but I was able to see that I was in a basement of some sort. I looked round to see which basement I was actually in, the sound of metal rang through my ears. As I thought, I was chained to a wall.

I tried to move my arm, to try and free myself but stopped when a searing, burning pain erupted through my body. I let out a pained cry before moving to try and minimise skin contact with the chains.

"I wouldn't bother trying to break free from those chains." A voice rang through the air, "They're a little gift from your friends at the CCG."

I froze when he mentioned the name. They couldn't know I was here, could they? The figure of a man appeared at the end of the room, I managed to see that it was the vampire hunter turned teacher.

"What the fuck is going on?" I groaned out.

"You broke our deal." He stated.

"What?" I asked, I was confused as to what he was saying.

"You broke our deal." He said again. It was then it finally clicked.

"You never agreed to the deal." I spat at him.

"Even so, you attacking Kaname has just made my life a lot harder." He explained, "Word has spread that an unknown creature has attacked a pureblood."

He approached me and knelt down so he was eye level with me.

"Now you have the whole vampire population wanting to kill you." He told me.

"I'd like to see them try." I told him, "And why the hell does that make your life hard?"

"Because ever since your stunt, a lot more vampires are being drawn to the area." He explained further.

"Didn't I do you a favour then. More of those freaks for you to kill." I said.

"These vampires are Aristocrats or higher." I rolled my eyes at his statement.

"So what, its not like you haven't dealt with anything worse." I told him, referring to myself. This seemed to have ticked something off in the man as he lunged forward and grabbed my collar, pulling me closer to him.

"You don't get it do you?" Venom easily heard in his voice, "By you attacking Kaname, you have just put this entire town in danger. I'd kill you right now if I could."

"Then do it." I spat in his face.

"Trust me I would."

"That's enough Yagari, put her down." The voice of the Headmaster commanded. Yagari reluctantly let go of me and stood up before joining the Headmasters side.

"Now, lets get down to why you we are here." The Headmaster started. "Due to your recent behaviour Kaji, we have had no choice but to lock you up."

I looked at the man, I said nothing in response. I understood his position and reasoning, I mean it was true, I did attack one of the highest rank vampires.

"However, we know that these chains won't be enough, which is why we have this as well." The Headmaster continued, he pulled out a silver briefcase. I froze at the sight, I was all to familiar with that briefcase.

Point of No Return - Tokyo Ghoul/Vampire Knight Crossover #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now