|2| The Mysterious Night Class.

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The weekend flew past in what felt like minutes. I hadn't left my room once during that time. Yuuki occasionally came around to check up on me and see if I wanted to go anywhere. I politely refused her every time she asked.

I stared at myself in the full-length mirror my room had. The black uniform complimented my purple hair, which was thrown up in its usual way. The sleeves covered my arm tattoos and the uniform covered my other ink. My choker was still on display, and my black nails and hand tattoo could easily be seen. My dark grey eyes stared at my reflection.


Like before my hand reached up and clutched my stomach. I need coffee, but I don't have access to a place that I will be able to make it.

I'll need to see the headmaster about possibly getting a mini-fridge and coffee machine.

I let out a sigh as I began to think about all the things I had to do on my first official day of school. My alarm went off behind me, signalling that class was starting in about 20 minutes. I took a deep breath and let it go as I turned around and grab my books, phone and bag before heading out of my room.

I closed my door behind me before walking out of the dormitory. Some girls had already started to leave. Many didn't pay attention to me as I walked by them. However, a lot stared at me. I admit, I looked odd and out of place, especially in this uniform. I walked along the large bridge that connected itself to the main campus.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I reached in and grabbed it out. It was a text message from Uta.

Have a good first day. I will see you Friday – Big Bro.

I smiled at the message. I wrote a quick thanks, before shutting off my phone and placed it in my pocket. I reached the main campus to only realise that I didn't know what class I was in. I frowned at the thought.

"I guess I will have to go and see the headmaster," I mumbled before walking into the building and navigating my way through the halls. I managed to reach the office and knocked on the door. A quiet 'come in' was heard and I opened the door. The headmaster looked up and gave a smile when he saw me.

"Ah, Kaji. Good to see you. What is it that you need?" He asked.

"I am here for my schedule and I need to ask you a favour." He looked at me with curiosity, before he gave a nod and reached into his drawer and pulled out a piece of paper.

"Here is your schedule. What was the favour that you need?" he asked.

"Well...I was wondering if you would be able to supply my dorm room with a mini-fridge and coffee machine?" I asked while looking away from the man. He looked at me in confusion at the odd request.

"Why do you need those things?" He asked.

"Um." I began to quickly think of a lie. "I have...medication that requires to be stored in a cool place, and coffee is the only thing that I can take it with."

I quickly mumbled out. The man thought about it for a moment before giving a nod.

"No problem. But, if I may ask. Why didn't you talk to me about this on Friday when you first came?" He asked again. I let out a chuckle before looking at the man again.

"Slipped my mind." I was happy that the man bought my lie.

"Alright, I will get on that as soon as I can." He stated with a smile.

"Thank you, sir," I replied. I began to walk out the door of his office when I accidentally bumped into a tall male. I looked up about to apologize when I saw that it was Zero. I gave a chuckle before speaking up.

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