|23| Striking a Deal

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I awoke in a room that I hadn't been in before.

I groaned at the achiness of my body. I moved my neck and I could feel a cold metal wrapped around my neck. My eyes slowly opened, and my vision was blurred but I could pick out a low light.

I could pick out faint outlines of certain objects. I could pick out that I wasn't in a room I had seen before. The room I was in almost looked abandoned and run down.

I closed my eyes again and shook my head. When I opened them my vision was much clearer. I could now see the full extent of my surroundings.

I was for sure in a bedroom, a run-down bedroom that looked like it hadn't been used in decades. I could hear and feel chains around me.

"Great" I muttered to myself. I sat back against the wall I was chained to. I decided to try my luck and began to pull on the chains to see if they would do anything. I pulled on the chain and immediately stopped when a sharp electrical pulse coursed through my body.

"Fuck." I muttered. Now being someone who is quite used to rational thought you would thing that I would stop resisting the chains and further hurting myself.


Being the dumbass that I am sometimes, I decided to keep resisting the chains and sending further painful electrical currents through my body. I gritted my teeth and kept pulling and pulling until I somehow managed to pull off one of the chains.

A loud crash was heard as some of the wall had ripped out and landed on the floor.

I froze after the loud sound.

I waited a minute in silence but heard nothing. I let out a sigh of relief and continued to tug at my chains. After a couple more minutes and tries, I managed to pull out the other chain around my hand.

A second loud crash was heard as another chunk of the wall fell to the ground. I began to take off the cuffs around my wrists before moving on to the ones around my ankles and neck.

After completing that I stood up and began to dust myself off. I looked around the room one more time. Despite the rundown nature of the room it looked like it had been used recently. I sniffed the air and tried to see where exactly I was.

I began to walk around and look for a door. After spotting one next to a dresser I walked towards it and placed my hand on the knob and began to turn it. I opened the door and jumped back in surprise when I saw someone on the other side.

"Oh, it seems like you have awakened." The little girl said as she peered up at me.

"Maria." I looked at the small child. "I's surprised to see you, I thought you would have sent your lacky."

"Ah yes, you see I would have but there is something I need to speak to you about privately." She said in her light airy voice.

"What do you wish to speak with me about?" I asked as I watched her move past me and towards where the bed is.

"Well, you see like you." She sat on the bed and I watched as a ghost of a woman appeared behind her. "I'm not the person who I portray to be."

I took a step back and held a defensive position.

"I'm sorry I don't seem to understand. Who are you?" I said as I watched at the woman hold the girl in her arms.

"Oh, you don't know? I'm guessing Zero never told you. My name is Shizuka Hio." She said.

I tilted my head in confusion.

"Hio? I don't recall ever hearing that name." I stated. I don't believe Zero ever told me anyone by that name. then again Zero barely told me anything about his life much like I never told him much about mine.

"Well that's a surprise, I'm shocked slightly that he didn't tell you about me. Well why would he tell you about the person that turned him into a vampire." She said in a "innocent" voice.

My eyes widened slightly at the mention of Zero being turned. I smirked after a bit.

"So, you're the bitch that turned him and killed his family." I muttered, I began to walk towards the woman. When I was in front of her I grabbed her chin and made her look at me.

"Last time I heard, you died. So why are you here before me? What do you want?" I asked as I looked at her pale and cold face.

"Well that's simple." She grabbed my head and pulled it down, so my ear was at her mouth.

"I want you."

I was caught off guard by the sentence. I stepped back and away from the women.

"What do you mean you want me?" I asked her.

"What I mean is, I want you to be by my side and be my personal bodyguard." She explained.

I began to process what she just told me.

"Why do you want me to be your bodyguard?" I was confused over this whole conversation.

"I have something big being planned and I need some extra hands and I also need someone who has a lot of power. You fit the bill." She said.

I was still trying to take everything in.

"Let me make it easier for you. I am planning to do something during the ball in three days, I need an extra pair of hands to pull it off. I wish to use you and your extraordinary powers to help me." she explained a little further.

"So, wait. You plan to do something at the ball in three days. Have me help you with it and expect me to do it without knowing what it is and not knowing if I'll get something out of it." I listed.

"If you agree to help me you will find out further details. As for what you will get in return, I can help you be wiped off the CCG System and make it as if you never existed." She said.

I couldn't help my eyes widening. But then I scrunched them.

"Hold on, so your saying that if I help you, you will essentially have all memory and information of me wiped from the CCG system? I call bullshit."

I did not believe a single word. As if you could erase years' worth of the shit that I did. You can't exactly forget all of that shit.

"You may not know this but there was a war in my home ward, and I had a huge role in that. You can't just make all the shit that I did just disappear." I told the woman.

"If you won't agree for that reason, I could do the same thing for your friends back home. Make them safe and never be bothered by the CCG again." She said.

This perked my attention more.

"You would do it for my friends?" I asked.

"If that is what you wish for, then yes it can be arranged. Everyone at your beloved Anteiku would be wiped from the system. They would a normal life and not have to fear about being hunted down."

"All of them. Everyone at Anteiku would be freed from this nightmare?" I looked down at my feet as I began to think at the prospect.

"Yes, all of them. Including him." My eyes widened and my head snapped back up to look at the woman.

"In-inclu-including Ka-Kaneki?" I stuttered out. The woman gave me a nod in return.

I had to turn around and look away from her I had to process everything.

My eyes scanned around my feet while my mind tried to make a cohesive thought.

I got so overwhelmed that I had to close my eyes and take a deep breath.

I opened my eyes, lifted my head and turned around to face the woman.

"Alright. I'll do it."

"for them."

Point of No Return - Tokyo Ghoul/Vampire Knight Crossover #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now