|16| Helpful Pleasure

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//Mature Content ahead//

The feeling of something soft and scratchy tired me awake. I moved around in my sleep but felt something nudge me causing me to stop. I carefully opened my eyes but slightly froze when I saw a white nose in front of my face. I only calmed down when I looked up and saw who woke me.

"Jesus Lily, don't scare me like that," I told the horse, a wave of air left her nose and shook her head before she moved away from me. The white mare moved to the other side of the room and laid down. The stabbing pain under my hand helped me realize that I was in the stable.

How did I get here?

My eyes peered around the room once more before I pushed myself up to a sitting position.

"You're awake." A voice stated, I jumped at the sound and my head snapped into the direction of where it came from. I, however, wasn't too pleased to see who it was, I dropped my gaze from him as soon as I realized who it was.

"Why am I here?" I grumbled.

"Wow, no 'Hi Zero'." He sarcastically said to try and lighten the mood. It didn't work.

"Answer the question." He let out a sigh before he spoke again.

"I found you passed out on the ground and brought you here." He explained.

"Why didn't you leave me there?" I asked.

"What?" He was caught off guard.

"You should have left me there," I told him.

"Kaji what are you talking about?" Zero asked, not understanding why I was speaking like this. I let out a sigh and shook my head. I pushed myself off the floor, I wanted to get out of here as soon as possible. As I got to my feet and stood up, a wave of pain hit me like a dump truck.

I fell to my knees and grabbed my head in pain. I heard Zero get up and come to my side but before he did I held up my hand and stopped him.

"Don't....come near....me." I groaned out. I didn't need him right now, all I needed was to be left alone by everyone.

"Kaji, you're in pain. Let me help." He said, trying to reason with me.

"Don't Zero. Just don't." I warned him. Once the pain subsided in my head and body, I tried to get up again. The pain came back, but I took a sharp breath and gritted my teeth, trying to push through it.

Zero didn't try to stop me and let me leave, at least he respected my wishes. I leaned on everything that was close to me, placing my weight on it as I took shaky steps to the entrance of the barn. When I was at the exit, I took a shaky breath before I took steps out of the barn.

All I was able to take was two steps out of the barn before my body gave way and I fell to the ground. I was quickly enveloped by Zero's arms as he managed to catch me before I hit the ground. I groaned in response, my body was so sore and it ached constantly.

It hurt to move. It hurt to do anything.

I was losing my energy as he picked me up and carry me back inside.

"Put...me...down." I weakly protested. Zero didn't respond and walked back to where I was before. Except instead of lying me down in the hay, he laid me down on a blanket on a different section of the stable. He placed me in a sort of make-shift bed.

When he placed me down and made sure I was comfortable, he walked off to a section of the stable and came back with what looked like a bottle of medicine and a bottle of water. He knelt down beside and opened the medicine bottle and grabbed to pills.

Point of No Return - Tokyo Ghoul/Vampire Knight Crossover #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now