|27| Returning A Favour

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// mature content ahead //

After discussing further the deal with Kaname, I decided to go for a walk just to clear my head a little.

I walked towards the barn that was hidden amongst the forest.

Day Class was currently active, so I knew no one was going to be disturbing me.

Once entering the barn, I saw the beautiful white horse that Zero owned.

I saw the mare's head lift as she noticed my presence. I gave the white mare a smile to show I meant no harm. She looked at me with careful eyes before moving her head slightly, signalling that I can move closer.

I stepped closer and reached my hand out. I waited for the horse to make the first move. She raised her head and placed it in my hand. I gave a smile and began to pet the horse.

I did small gentle strokes to keep the horse calm. I did this a couple of times before moving away and grabbing an apple from the storage box.

I gave the apple to the horse before moving to a secluded place in the bar.

I grabbed my phone and opened my messenger app. I clicked on the name I thought I would never touch again.

New Message:

Why do you keep doing this to me?

I looked over the message and my finger hovered over the send button. It moved over to the delete button before moving back to the send button and pressed it.

It wasn't like he was going to reply anyway so why not?

There was no harm in it.

After sending the text I placed my phone down and leaned back against the wooden panelling of the barn.  I took a deep breath before releasing and closing my eyes.

I began to remember the old times, the good times, even the bad times.

I remember Kaneki's and I's intimate times.

We were able to comfort each other in our worst times. We could take our minds away from reality by just being with each other.

I remembered the first time we met. It was unconventional but I didn't know at that point in time what our relationship would blossom into.

I smiled at the thought. Although recently our relationship has been rocky, I don't regret it.

We completed each other. We were yin and yang.

I let out a sigh as I reminisced.

I just hope he is okay where ever he is now.

I remained in the barn for some time. It was starting to become night time.

Spending time reminiscing about my old life. It has helped me in some way.

As I saw the sunset, I decided to pay someone else that has helped my life a visit.

I pet the horse one more time before leaving the stable.

I made my way back towards the school and headed towards one of the classrooms. I had a feeling I would find who I was looking for.

I knew he didn't want to be around people. Especially during a time that was becoming hard.

I entered the school building and began to walk past empty classrooms as I looked for the secluded emo boy.

I walked past many classrooms until I found the one, I was looking for. I saw the silver-haired; he was slumped over a desk. He looked asleep; I wouldn't be surprised.

Point of No Return - Tokyo Ghoul/Vampire Knight Crossover #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now