|8| Offical.

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The whole weekend I hadn't stepped a foot outside my room. The text I received sent me into a state of shock. Takuma was sent multiple times to come and check on me, but I simply told him to go away and that I was fine.

This seems like déjà vu.

Today was Monday, my first official day as a Night Class Student. None of the other Night Class Students knew the identity of the new student. This fact alone made me happy. I stood in front of a mirror, looking at myself in the crisp white uniform. You could begin to hear the loud chatter of the Day Class Students. A knock was heard at my door.

"Come in Takuma," I called out. I knew it was him because he was the only one who comes to see me. The door opened and the blonde-haired boy stood there with a kind smile.

"Are you ready Kaji?" he asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I mumbled. I plastered on a fake smile for the boy before turning towards him. I grabbed my books from my desk and walked to the door. He let me through and closed the door behind me.

We walked in silence again towards the main foyer. But before we reached it I grabbed the boy's hand. He was shocked at my action.

"Is everything alright Kaji?" He asked, concern lacing his usual kind tone. I gave a weak smile before looking at the floor.

"Thanks, for looking out for me," I mumbled. I could feel his smile.

"Your welcome." He said.

"No really. Thank you, I don't really receive kindness like yours or Yuki's that often. It's quite rare from where I come from." I told him honestly. I felt his other hand grab mine. I looked up into his kind green eyes.

"Kaji, I assure you that I will be there for you whenever you need it. Although we may not be from the same race or species, you are my classmate. I always look out for my classmates." He told me with that kind smile. I then did something out of the ordinary. I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my head in his shoulder.

"Thank you."

"Your welcome." He said as he hugged me back. I knew he was caught off guard by my sudden change in attitude. It was a side of me that I rarely showed, so Takuma was special to see it. 

"We should get going," I mumbled. He nodded and we began to walk to the main foyer. The chatter of the vampires was becoming louder. Takuma entered the view of all the students and everyone hushed down.

"Everyone, I would like you to meet the new Night Class Student." He looked at me, I stood still in place. "Come on."

I took a deep breath and placed an expressionless look on my face. I walked out and into their view with confidence.

"Please welcome Kaji Fukanōna." I watched and waited to see everyone's reaction. Everyone's faces were one of shock or confusion.

"What is she doing here?"

"She isn't a vampire."

"That's the girl that smelt different."

"What is she?"

That was most of what they mumbled or whispered to each other. A small smirk grew on my features as I watched them all whisper to each other as they tried to figure out what I was.

"Well, hello to you, too." I drawled. I began to walk down the stairs with Takuma following behind me. I walked into the crowd of vampires and they all moved away from me as if I carried the plague.

I turned to Takuma, confused as to why we weren't leaving yet.

"Takuma? Why aren't we leaving?" I asked. The boy's kind smile was still there.

Point of No Return - Tokyo Ghoul/Vampire Knight Crossover #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now