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A/N: Just a heads up due to my plotline, the episodes are out of order. 

My eyes surveyed the school ground from the high post I had found that was situated outside the girls room. I was already dawned in my hunting outfit and mask and had already sprayed the special elixir gramps gave me. It was late afternoon already which meant the Night Class would be getting ready to leave for their classes.

I let out a sigh at the situation I was in.

"This isn't what I imagined when I said I wanted to start fresh." I muttered to myself. I was drawn from my thoughts when I heard the doors to the dorm open. I did one last check to make sure my outfit and mask were secure before I jumped down from my scouting position.

The girl and boy we waiting outside the door for me so I jumped down and landed in front of them. When I met the girls eyes I gave a small bow as a greeting.

"You're very polite for someone who doesn't talk." The little girl said. I merely nodded my head in a sort of thanks before I stepped to the side to allow her to walk past me. When she did I followed closely behind and her bodyguard walked next to me. I could feel his gaze on me as we walked, I knew he was studying me, trying to figure me out.

I am not going to lie, this job is quite boring. All I have been doing so far is just walking with them.

"Ryu." My attention was brought at the sound of my 'name'. "You and Ichiru may leave."

The girl ordered, I looked up and saw that we were already outside the classroom. I nodded my head and gave the girl a small bow before I took my leave. I was done for the night now, knowing that Kaname was in the class and would be able to watch over the 2-year-old.

I had only made it to the courtyard before someone stopped me.

"You, wait." I stopped in my tracks and looked over my shoulder, I was surprised to see that it was the girls bodyguard.

"Turn around." He ordered, I rolled my eyes and began walking again. I did not take orders from people I could easily kill. I heard him huff in annoyance and walk after me.

"Hey! How dare you wal-" I cut off his little tantrum by grabbing his throat. He was caught off guard by my quick movements, but soon began to gag as I reduced the oxygen flow into his body. I allowed my eyes to change and stared into the boys soul.

"Watch it." I growled lowly.

I gave his neck one final squeeze before I let go. I watched as his legs caved and his body fall to the ground. He sputtered and coughed as he tried desperately to regain his breath. I didn't stay to long though and turned around to walk back to my room.

I was now pissed off and knew I needed to get somewhere so I can vent in safety and peace. I knew I would be in trouble since it was a highly likely chance that the boy will tattle to his boss that I actually speak.

I walked over the bridge that lied before the dorm, I greeted the guard as he let me through. I walked through the empty hallways which was nice. I could actually think for once and not be bothered by any wandering eyes.

I desperately need a shower.

My outfit was sticking to me and my body felt grotty, as soon as I stepped into my room, I began to strip and prepare myself for a shower.

I entered the bathroom that joined my room and turned on the hot water faucet. I stepped under the water and immediately felt my tired muscles relax. I let out a contempt sigh and let my head drop. I felt the drops of water run down my body, I watched the drops run down over my tattoos.

Point of No Return - Tokyo Ghoul/Vampire Knight Crossover #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now