|26| A Deal With The Devil

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I was looking down at the table after remembering that nightmare that I used to be.

"I can't believe that was only six months ago." I muttered out. I heard my brother get up from his chair. I didn't bother to look up at him. In the corner of my eyes, I saw him squat down next to me.

"Kaji, look at me." I heard him say. I didn't lookup.

"Kaji." He said more sternly. I moved only my eyes. I heard him sigh before I felt his cold fingers on my cheeks and move my head to make me look at him.

"Kaji, I know how hard your life was back in the Ward, its something that no one should ever have to go through." He said. I looked away again. I felt him pull my head again.

"But ever since you came here, I have seen a change in you. You look happier, less frantic and on edge." He said to me. "You look more at peace. Even when you found Kaneki, you never looked fully happy."

"Look Kaji, ever since you came here, I haven't been as worried as I used to be." He told me honestly.

I began to think to myself.

To be honest, I have been a lot happier and more at peace since I have been here. I mean apart from what is happening with Hio.

I let out a small smile.

"Yeah, it has been better since I have been here." I said. I looked at my brother.

"As much as I love the Ward, I have felt more at peace here." I said honestly as I smiled at him. I saw him smile in return, he got up from his squatting position and sat back on the other side of the table.

"Thank you for talking some sense into me Uta. You're the best big brother anyone could ask for." He gave me a smile.

WE TALKED for about another hour before we parted ways. My brother gave me another bag of food that would last me for about two months.

As I was walking back to school, I began to think more about what Uta said to me.

I did feel more relaxed and at ease ever since I have been here.

'Damn I never knew that humans and bloodsuckers made such an impact on me.'

My thoughts began to go to the deal I made with Hio.

After talking with Uta, I have finally decided what I was going to do.

I was going to go through with it.

I MADE it back to the school rather quicker than I expected. It was early morning now, so Day Class has already begun.

I walked through the school courtyard as I headed back to my dorm to drop off my food supply.

No one was out so it was easy for me to make it back to the dorm without anyone questioning what the contents were in my bag.

I entered the dorm and saw that there were few vampires up and about. I believe most of them have gone to bed.

I ignored them and headed to my room.

As I walked through the hallway, I noticed Takuma walking down the hallway towards me.

I saw that he was reading a book and hadn't noticed me. I saw him sniff the air, he must have smelled the blood from my food as he lifted his head and looked towards me.

Point of No Return - Tokyo Ghoul/Vampire Knight Crossover #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now