|25| Meet Up

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Sometimes I just wished I had just died in that war

After spending some time outside trying to clear my head, I headed back to my room to try and pass the time while waiting for Uta to get here.

In the meantime, I brewed some coffee and just sat on my bed and drank some coffee. I looked on my phone and just scrolled through my phone trying to keep myself preoccupied while time passed.

During this time, coffee has just been the thing that has comforted me. This instant coffee isn't anywhere near as good as the ones made at Anteiku, but it's better than nothing.

Plus, I wasn't really in the mood to be eating as of this moment.

The ball was in two days and I still had no idea what I needed to do.

I looked at the time on my phone and saw that it was 6 in the morning now. All the day class students would be waking up now and preparing for class.

I let out a sigh and dropped my phone. I got up from my bed and decided to start getting ready. I walked to my closet and tried for something simple.

I grabbed out some ripped jeans, a print t-shirt, a jacket and some converse.

I styled my purple hair simply by adding a little bit a curl to it and applied light makeup

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I styled my purple hair simply by adding a little bit a curl to it and applied light makeup.

I grabbed all my things and put them into a bag and headed out of my room.

I decided to head into town now and just take my time walking there. I headed out of my room and headed towards the main entrance.

Most Night Students were in their rooms asleep. Some loitered around the dorms, talking among their groups or just studying.

I walked by them and they ignored me, which I was used to.

Even after living with them for the past months or so, they still act like I'm the monster. Which I'm not disagreeing with, but they act as if they aren't as well.

They're all stuck up. Not surprised since they were all born with a silver spoon in their mouth.

I just tried not to think about it too much.

I walked past them and out the dorms. I walked through the schoolyard and past the main building. I walked to the gates and to the main road. The morning breeze was really nice today.

It helped cool down my hot skin.

I could hear the birds singing in the distance and it was a nice feeling. It brought some normality to my fucked-up life.

This small moment was making me feel...human in a way.

And I was far from human.

Within about 20 minutes I was finally in town. It was about 6:45 in the morning, most places weren't even open at the moment.

Point of No Return - Tokyo Ghoul/Vampire Knight Crossover #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now