|29| Conflicting Thoughts

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The Night Class began to make their way towards the hall where the ball was being held.

Everyone had their pompous "I'm better than you" look still etched on their undead features. It made me sick looking at them.

It also made me wonder if my choice to leave the ward and come here was the best option.

I shook my head at the thought.

Of course, it was the best option, if I didn't, I would have been endangering everyone even more if I stayed. Don't forget what you did.

"Kaji, are you alright?" I heard Takuma ask. It snapped me out of my thoughts. I must have had a troubling look on my face. I shook it off before giving the blond vampire a reassuring smile.

"Of course, I'm fine Takuma! When am I not?" I replied almost to cheerily. The boy didn't seem to buy it though.

"I know you haven't had the best time since you arrived here at Cross Academy. That's why I wish for you to have a fun time tonight at the ball." Takuma told me with his signature smile.

I couldn't stop the blush forming at the base of my neck. I had to look away from the charming vampire.

"Promise me you will have fun tonight." Takuma asked. I bit my lip as I remembered what my job was to be tonight.

I wasn't sure if I was able to have 'fun' tonight.

"Promise me." The boy pleaded in away. I finally turned my head and looked at him in his green eyes.

"I promise." I lied.

However, it seemed he didn't catch on to it. Which was good as I was very good at lying.

Within minutes we had arrived at the ball. Zero and the Headmaster stood at the front of the building as they watched the students enter.

I tried my best to avoid eye contact with the boy as I wasn't sure if I could face him after knowing that I would be helping the person he hates most in this world tonight.

I kept my head down as we walked through the doors of the building. Most of the Day Class was already there, so they were all eagerly waiting for the Night Class to arrive.

Soon enough, the squeals and whispers started.

Most of them were about how beautiful and handsome the Night Class were and such but there were a few that I heard.

"Who's that girl in the black dress? I've never seen her before."

"You idiot that's Kaji!"

"What?! It can't be, where is her purple hair? Where are her tattoos and piercings? That can't be Kaji."

"It is! She just got her hair dyed and tattoos covered!"

"I never knew she was that pretty,"

This was one of the few conversations that I happened to hear. I tried hard not to let a smirk on my face appear.

I was there to be dignified and was there also as security.

Once everyone was inside, the Headmaster stood at a balcony and called for everyone's attention.

"Good evening everyone! My everyone tonight looks absolutely stunning!" The man gushed. I merely rolled my eyes.

"Now as many of you know tonight is a night where both the Day and Night Class students get to interact and mingle. Do not be afraid to go up to each other and ask for a dance. Tonight is a night of fun! Everyone be safe and enjoy the night!" The man said one final time before the music started.

Point of No Return - Tokyo Ghoul/Vampire Knight Crossover #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now