|3| Spacing Out.

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The vibration of my phone on my desk echoed loudly through my room. My eyes opened slowly to be met with my dimly lit dorm room. I turned my head to the side and stared at my phone. Making no effort to get it. After some time of just staring at it and listening to it vibrate, the phone soon stopped. Leaving me in a dead silent room.

I rolled my head so I was facing the ceiling. My mouth was dry, I was desperate for a cup of coffee. I wasn't hungry so I couldn't quench it. My only other option was water. I let out a sigh before sitting up in my bed. I faced the door of my room.

Days had passed since my hunt. Word spread like wildfire through the school at the news of two grisly murders. One where the body was left and the other, the hat and an arm were all that remained. Everyone was talking about it whenever they weren't talking about the Night Class.

A smile slipped itself onto my face. I was the talk of the school, yet no one knew about it.

It was Friday. Meaning that Uta was visiting me today. I had yet to figure out the secret of the Night Class, but I had a feeling that I would be finding out very soon. I chucked the blanket off my legs and got out of bed. I walked over to my phone and picked it up.

6:35 am.

I let out a sigh, I had a bit of time before class started. I was about to turn off my phone when I saw a notification on my screen.

Missed Call – Touka.

New Message.

Hey, I haven't heard from you in a while. I hope everything is ok. I miss you. – Touka.

My hand began to tremble as I read the message. Tears pricked my eyes.

"I miss you to Touka," I whispered to myself. I dropped to the floor, my phone still in my hands. I kept reading the message and every time I did, more tears began to fall. I silently sobbed in my room.

Knock. Knock.

My head snapped up at the sound of someone knocking at my door. I quickly rubbed my eyes to try and get rid of any evidence that I may have been crying.

"Who is it?" I called out.

"Kaji, it's me, Yuki. Remember, we planned to meet up today and walk to class together." The girl answered.

"Shit, I forgot," I mumbled. "I'll be right out."

I got up off the floor and began to run around my room, putting and hiding away my hunting outfit, mask, and food. Once they were all out of sight, I went to the door and let Yuki in.

"Hey, sorry I completely forgot about that," I mumbled an apology. As usual, Yuki gave me a smile and told me not to worry about it.

"Sit down, please. I just need to change." I gestured for her to sit down on my bed. She complied and sat down. I grabbed my uniform off my desk chair and walked into my bathroom to get changed.

"Hey, Kaji?" I heard Yuki call out.

"Yeah?" I replied from in my bathroom.

"Who is Uta?" She asked. I froze.

"What?" I mumbled. I quickly got changed and left the bathroom, to see Yuki holding my phone and reading something.

"What did you say?" I asked again but in an innocent tone. "Sorry I didn't hear you."

"Oh, I was wondering who Uta was? He messaged you." She said holding out my phone. I grabbed it from her and brought the screen to my face. I read the message.

Point of No Return - Tokyo Ghoul/Vampire Knight Crossover #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now