|14| Arrival

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"There is one other thing that you must do when you are with this student."

"And that is?" I asked, curious as to what he wanted me to do.

"You must never speak."

// Present //

What the hell does that mean?

My mind was spinning with thoughts as to who this vampire was and what made them so special. My eyes peered at the black car that pulled up to the front gates of the school. I stood there in my hunting outfit and Hydra mask, I wore a black wig underneath my hood to try and hide my identity further.

I thought about which mask I should wear, but decided to wear my actual one as I doubt whoever this person was, knew the meaning behind it.

Before I left the wards, Grandpa had given me a special elixir that would help cover my scent. It completely covered my smell, almost making me invisible. I was stood next to the Headmaster and waited for the student to reveal themselves.

A girl with pale hair and lavender eyes emerged from the car. She was rather short in stature and almost looked like that of a child. She looked like an innocent child, but I could see in her eyes that she wasn't.

My eyes wandered over to a boy that stood next to her. The boy had pale hair as well but I couldn't see his eyes as they were obscured by a white mask. The boy looked somewhat familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. I decided to shake it off and not focus on it too much.

"Lady Maria, I am Headmaster Cross and I would like to welcome you to Cross Academy." The Headmaster welcomed with a small bow and a kind smile. The small girl gave a big smile.

"Hello Headmaster, I am so excited to be here!" Her voice was high and almost annoying to listen to. I knew I would get tired of that real quick.

"And who is this?" The girl asked looking at me. I merely stared at her, not saying anything in return.

"Oh, this is the bodyguard that Lord Kaname has assigned for you." The Headmaster said.

"That won't be needed Headmaster, as I already have a bodyguard." The girl pointed to the boy that stood next to her.

"Oh I am aware but Lord Kaname insisted that we provide you with the best protection." The Headmaster continued. The young girl was about to speak up again but the Headmaster cut her off.

"Lord Kaname insisted."

Maria closed her mouth at the mention of Kaname name again. She knew she couldn't go against the word of a pureblood. I could tell that she wasn't too happy about my presence. The girl turned to look at me and eyed me down.

"So, if you are supposed to be my new bodyguard what should I call you?" Maria asked in an intrigued tone. I remained silent, remembering that I couldn't say a word. I knew that because it was the Headmaster who asked me to do this, it must be something important.

"She doesn't speak." The Headmaster quickly interjected.

"Oh?" Maria looked puzzled, "How intriguing."

"You may call her Ryu." The Headmaster stated.

"Huh, that's very literal." Maria mused. (Ryu means Dragon in Japanese)

"Now that that is all sorted, I will let Ryu here take you to your room and once you have settled down, I'll have Ryu take you back to my office as we will just have a few things to discuss." The Headmaster stated to me. I nodded my head and motioned the two new people to follow me.

I began to walk in the direction of the dorms. I knew from the moment I saw them that these two were weird. The boy was human that was for sure, but he had obviously been around the vampire for so long her smell was rubbing off on him.

The girl was different though, she smelt the weirdest. She had the scent of a regular vampire but there was something that was mingled in it. It was a smell that reminded me of Kaname, maybe she had relations with a pureblood?

No that couldn't be it. Something was up with these two that was for sure. The Headmaster was adamant that I stay close to these two, so there must be something up with them that the Headmaster was so adamant about.

I walked in front of the two while they remained behind me. They were talking in a hushed tone, they were quiet but I could still hear what they were saying. They were mostly talking about nonsense things, maybe they were trying to see if I could hear them or not.

"So, Ryu what are you?" The small child asked from next to me. I glanced down at her before looking back up to where I was walking. She obviously wasn't too happy about my reaction.

"You aren't human yet you aren't a vampire." She started. "In fact, you don't even smell like anything."

I ignored her quires and continued to walk forward and towards the direction of the dorm. I could tell she was getting slightly agitated but was able to keep her composure.

"You don't talk much do you?" She asked, she turned her gaze forward and talked into the air. "You're a lot like Ichiru, he doesn't talk much either."

Ichiru? That must be her bodyguard's name. I peered at the boy who walked behind us, he did nothing but stare at us. I looked forward again, I wished she stop asking me, I was growing annoyed by her voice already.

Thankfully when I looked up I saw that we were close to the dorm. I let go an internal sigh seeing how close we were. I showed the two into the building and led them to their room. When I reached her room, I opened the door and motioned for her to enter.

She gave me a fake smile and entered, her bodyguard following close behind. I watched as the girl jumped onto the large bed in the middle of the room, he small body was swamped by the material around her.

"It is beautiful." She said in a whisper. The boy began to unpack all of her things while I remained at the doorway and watched their movements. Their movements weren't out of place and nothing seemed odd, but I knew better.

If Kaname and the Headmaster were so adamant about me being their bodyguard, these two people were dangerous.

When they were done, I motioned the two to follow me back to the Headmasters office. They didn't protest and followed my lead. I showed them through the maze of hallways in the dorm and back to the main building that housed the Headmasters' office.

As we walked through the main area, the two stayed a small distance behind me and whispered among themselves. I made sure to act like I didn't hear them, but secretly listened in on their conversation.

"Ichiru, I want you to keep a close eye on her. Something about her seems off and I don't want her interfering." The young girl whispered oh so quietly to the silent boy next to her.

Interfering? Interfering with what? I will have to let the Headmaster know what I have heard.

We reached the main building and I led the two to the Headmasters' office. The Day Class students were back at their dorms so they wouldn't be a problem. The Night Class were given the day off so they wouldn't be a problem as well.

When we reached his office, I knocked on the door.

"Come in!" He responded, I opened the door and motioned for the girl to go in. She followed happily and when the boy was about to follow I stopped him by holding out my arm and blocking his entrance. The boy looked at me but I gave him nothing back.

He seemed to understand what I meant and stood on the other side of the door in silence. I wanted to take him somewhere else and beat the answers out of him but I knew that that would be a bad idea and the Headmaster and Kuran wouldn't be happy with me if I did.

I knew I had to remain suspicious of them based on the way those two asked me to bodyguard these two new arrivals. 

I needed to get down to the bottom of why they were here. I had a feeling they weren't here for any good reasons.

Point of No Return - Tokyo Ghoul/Vampire Knight Crossover #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now