|9| Guilt and Hunger.

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Ever since the discovery of my true identity by Kaname, I have become recluse and closed off. I kept my distance from not only the Night Class but Yuki and Zero.

None of the Night Class have discovered that I am ghoul yet, so I have been able to have some fun with it. That is the only thing that has kept me going since I have switched classes.

Every other night, the smell of blood would fill my nose and no doubt every other blood suckers. I had come to realise that it was Yuki's blood that would fill the night air. I guessed that Zero no longer needed the deal he and I had.

He had found another source of food.

From what I know is that Zero has still kept his end of the deal and has not told Yuki what I am. I have been thankful for that but it hasn't stopped the guilt from driving me mad. Keeping her in the dark was for the best but it still didn't make me feel good.

When I came to realise that Zero had another source, I knew he no longer needed me. I felt abandoned in a way, I had sunk into a depressive state and began to starve myself.

I was beginning to turn to my old ways. Whenever he would disappear and leave me, I began to turn into a shell of my former self. I cut contact from the people who I loved most and hid away.

It was a toxic relationship that I couldn't break.

Kaname and Takuma were the only ones to notice my change in behaviour. I was quiet and would only leave my room to stretch my legs. On multiple cases I have had Takuma approach me to see if I was ok. I just merely brushed him off and told him everything was ok.

Over the past few weeks, the Headmaster was trying to find different ways to satisfy my cravings without the need of actually eating flesh. He gave me things called blood tablets that dissolve in water and are supposed to mimic blood.

It was what the vampires took to satisfy their carvings. However, they were useless, my body rejected them just like human food. Even if I could take them, I could barley stomach coffee at the moment, so they wouldn't be helpful.

I knew I shouldn't of enrolled here. I should have just found a ditch and died in it.

I watched as the bags under my eyes began to disappear as my regeneration ability began to kick in. I hadn't slept in over a week, my body was in extreme exhaustion and on the verge of collapsing any second.

My body was begging me for food, but I couldn't.

The sound of my phone vibrating cut through the still air. I didn't even move to look at it, it was no doubt a text from my brother checking up on me. He was the only one who I communicated with now, but even then it wasn't much.

I ignored the message like I was ignoring everything that was trying to reach out to me. I pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them, resting my chin on top of my knees and stared at the carpet beneath my feet.

My eyes began to feel heavy, my body was finally giving in.

I was jolted back to reality though when a knock was heard at my door.

"Fuck sake, I was just about to sleep." I angrily muttered to myself. I blinked a couple of times and rubbed my eyes.

"Go away Takuma." I called out to the boy behind my door.

"It is Senri." A monotone voice stated back through the wooden door.

"Go away Senri, I don't want to speak to anyone." I replied.

"Lord Kaname has summoned you." The boy said, ignoring my request.

"I don't give a shit, he can fuck off for all I care." I shot back. It seemed to work as I heard the light footsteps of the vampire begin to walk away from my door.

Point of No Return - Tokyo Ghoul/Vampire Knight Crossover #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now