|24| A Torn Mind

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I sat in my room and just stared at a wall. Thinking about what had happened the previous night.

I kept thinking about the deal I just made and whether it was the right choice.

'Of course, it was the right choice, she is going to help our friends. She will help them become safe.' My consciences reasoned with me.

"Yes, but she is the person that turned Zero into a vampire. I don't exactly call that trustworthy."  I said to myself out loud. I let my head fall back and closed my eyes while I let out a big sigh.

"what have I gotten myself into?" I muttered to myself as I opened my eyes.

I closed my eyes once more and let out another sigh.

Some moments of silence passed before a knocking on my door was heard.

Without too much thought I said "come in"

I heard the door open and I caught some blonde hair in my peripheral vision. I slightly moved my head and saw Takuma.

Instantly a warm smile appeared on my face. I sat up and faced him properly.

"Takuma, Hey!"

A smile formed on his face when we made contact.

"Kaji! It's good to see you smiling." He said in a happy tone.

I let out a laugh. "Well it's good to see a friendly face and I'd never thought I would say this about a vampire but someone I trust."

His facial expression faltered slightly at my choice of words before his smile returned.

"Well then, I am honoured to be on I assume the very short list of people you trust." He said with a bow. I laughed at the gesture. I got up from my seat and walked over to the boy. When he stood up to his full height, I gave him a hug.

I knew he was caught off guard due to the fact that I felt him tense up. He relaxed after a bit and hugged me back.

We parted and both smiled.

"So what brings you here?" I asked as I turned around and walked towards my bed and sat down.

I watched as he walked towards my desk chair and sat down. He seemed to be hesitant as to what he wanted to say. I watched as he opened and closed his mouth as he struggled to speak what was on his mind.

He let out a sigh and looked at his hands as he began to think. I began to grow concerned at his silence. I scooted closer to him and reached out and held his arm.

"Takuma, what's wrong?" I tried to look into his eyes. However, his normal thoughtful forest green eyes were clouded with mixed emotions. I gave his arm a squeeze and he looked up at me and into my eyes.

He gave me a small smile before standing up and walking back to the door.

"Takuma?" I called out. I saw him stand up straight and looked back around towards me. his usual bright and cheerful smile was plastered on his face.

"I was just wondering if you were attending class today?" he asked, I gave him a little bit of a look. I shook it off and gave him a bright smile as well.

"Of course!"

"Brilliant! I'll see you downstairs soon." He gave me a nod and turned back around and walked out of my room. Once the door was closed, my smile fell, and a confused expression replaced it.

"That was odd. He surely didn't come to ask me if I was coming to class?" I muttered to myself.

Something else was on his mind. Something he couldn't bring himself to say. I guess I'll just have to ask about it later.

Point of No Return - Tokyo Ghoul/Vampire Knight Crossover #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now