|10| Warm Embrace

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// mature content ahead //

The sound of bird calls outside began to stir me awake. I felt like I was on a soft bed, but I was unsure as to which bed I was on. I slowly opened my eyes, a dim light flooded the room I was in. The white fancy chandelier that hung in the middle of the room told me as to where I was.

I was back in my room and I wasn't sure how I got here.

My body was was slightly aching as I began to sit up. It wasn't happy with what I had put it through in the last couple of weeks. I looked around the room until my eyes fell onto that of a sleeping white-haired boy at the end of my bed. Half of his body rested on my bed while the other was perched in a seat.

I heard soft snores indicating that he was still asleep. As I watched him, the memories of last night began to flood my mind. A small smile placed itself on my lips as I stared at him.

"Kaneki," I whispered, I knew it was loud enough for him to hear me. We were both light sleepers, so the smallest of sounds was enough to wake us. After all, where we came from you always had to sleep with one eye open.

I watched as the boy began to stir awake and slowly lift himself into a sitting position. I watched as he rubbed his left eye before he looked at me.

"Kaji?" He mumbled, his voice was hoarse and gravely. I missed waking up and hearing it, as it was rather sexy. The smile on my face stayed as I watched him yawn and stretch. I notice him lift his forefinger and crack his middle finger, a habit he had required after he changed.

I grimaced at the sight and noise.

"You know I hate it when you do that." I reminded him, he stopped his action as he was just about to crack another finger. He looked at his hand before he looked back at me with an apologetic smile.

"Sorry, force of habit." He apologized. His apologetic smile turned into a soft one as he moved his chair so it was sitting next to me. I watched his movements, if someone were to look at him they would think that he didn't have much to him but they would be wrong. Kaneki was actually really strong, he got even stronger during his time with the Aogiri Tree.

I moved my eyes from him and began to look around my room, a question came to me.

"How did you find my room?" I asked as he sat down next to me.

"I followed where your scent was strongest." He explained. I nodded in response, my eyes reconnected with his and we stared at each other in silence. Neither of us knew what to do next, I leaned forward and hugged the man again. Kaneki seemed caught off guard by my action but it didn't take long for him to recover and hug me back.

"Thank you," I whispered into his shoulder.

"I'll always be there for you Kaji." He replied. We stayed in each other embrace for a bit before the sound of my stomach rumbling caused us to break apart. Kaneki noticed my hunger and stood up from his chair. He walked to my fridge and grabbed something. When he came back over it was a package of meat.

He held it out for me to take it, but I didn't at first. I still carried the guilt from the past few days, I turned away from him. Kaneki didn't like this and frowned.

"We are not doing this again Kaji." He said sternly. I flinched slightly at his tone, my eyes lifted to him, and saw that he still held out the package. I sighed and grabbed the meat from him, there was no use in fighting him about this. True to his word he would force it down my throat.

I unwrapped the meat and began to slowly devour it. My body thanked me with each bite I took, when I finished the meat I began to lick the wrapper clean. While I did this, Kaneki's stare never left me, he watched as I took every last bite of the meat.

Point of No Return - Tokyo Ghoul/Vampire Knight Crossover #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now