|11| Deal with the Hunter

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"Kaji, are you coming to class today?"

My eyes opened at the sound of Takuma through my wooden door. He gave a light knock as to not disturb me too much, but hard enough to wake me. I groaned before stretching my body, when I was clearly able to see I stopped.

He's gone.

I saw the empty space in my bed of where the one-eyed ghoul used to reside. He must have snuck off through the day and managed to not wake me. Tears began to prick my eyes as a sense of loneliness and abandonment began to wash over my body.

I sat up in my bed and saw that I was still naked, reminding me of the intimate night we shared just yesterday. I pulled my knees into my chest to try and cover myself, I felt used, like he didn't come here to see me, just to give me a quick fuck and leave.

I didn't feel like his equal. I felt like a whore who he had on the side and ready for whenever he needed to fill his sexual desires.

Tears began to fall down my cheeks as I sobbed quietly into my knees.

"Kaji?" Takuma called out again, concern laced his tone. He could obviously hear my crying. I quickly wiped away my tears and cleared my voice.

"I'll be attending class Takuma. Just give me a minute to change." I replied, my voice cracked slightly near the end. I cursed afterwards at how my body failed me.

"Ok, I'll wait for you out here." He stated.

I nodded my head in response even though I knew he couldn't see it. Or maybe he did, I didn't know if vampires had x-ray vision or not.

I forced myself out of bed, placing my wobbly feet on the ground and pushing myself up. My body was sore from yesterdays festivities, the sadness in me soon began to change into anger. Red hot anger.

"That bastard, I'll kill him the next time I see him," I muttered. He was the one who left me and abandoned me, he was the one to leave without a trace or a note, he was the one to rock up out of the blue, then he was the one with the audacity to fuck me and leave.

I had an angered step in my stride. I angrily pulled on my uniform and angrily grabbed everything else. This was the first time the vampires would be seeing me in days and I swore to satan that if they annoyed me in the slightest today, I would rip their heads off.

I angrily opened my door, catching the blonde vampire off guard.

"Oh, good morning Kaji." He said and watched as I stalked past him, "Kaji what is the matter?"

He asked, obviously sensing my mood.

"I am fine Takuma, I am just not in the mood to deal with anyone today," I told before continuing forward. I walked into the main area of the dorm and saw that everyone was already there and waiting, including their prick of a leader. I ignored everything and moved through the crowd and to the front door.

"Well, look who decided to-"

"Zip it mosquito, I am not in the mood to deal with your pompous attitude today," I warned the vampire. I knew everyone here could sense my attitude but yet some still found it ok to speak up.

"How dare you say that to Lord-" A vampire began to pipe up, my head spun around to where the voice was coming from. A deadly look was on my face as I stared down at the vampire that dared to speak to me. Everyone went dead silent around me as they saw the look I had on my face.

"Let's get this shit show going before I kill someone." I threatened. The doors to our dorm opened and the sound of screaming girls filled the air, the anger that was in me was beginning to get to its boiling point. They didn't stop, they only got louder and louder as we came into their view.

Point of No Return - Tokyo Ghoul/Vampire Knight Crossover #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now