|6| Caught.

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Throughout that night, I felt uneasy. As if someone else was watching Zero and mine's exchange, and I had a feeling it was someone from the Night Class. I had received a letter from the Headmaster early this week saying he wished to meet me sometime.

That can't be good.

My only option was to just avoid the subject. If I didn't meet the Headmaster I might be able to dodge my fate. I stared at myself in the full-length mirror. I had a constant frown as I thought about my inevitable fate. I let out a sigh before grabbing my books and leaving.

Zero and I have met twice after our agreement. Whether he had an attack and needed blood or I was hungry and needed food. So far it was a pretty good deal. He got what he needed to calm down and I got what I needed to satisfy my hunger. I was happy with myself for making that deal.

Because of our little deal, I had stopped all of my killing. This caused a stir in the public, they all wondered were the "Bloody Killer" was or whatever they called me. I had heard from Uta that the CCG were planning to send some investigators out to check out the town. But, since the frenzy had died down, they weren't going to anymore. So, I was pretty happy I made the deal when I did.

I wasn't quite ready to deal with CCG just yet.

I walked through the bridge that connected the Dorm to the School. Everyone seemed fine, nothing out of place has happened yet. Everyone acted normal, I tried to act normal but I was always on edge. I felt like I was being watched everywhere I went.

I entered the school building. Passing groups of students talking about their fantasies evolving the Night Class, or re telling what happened on St. Chocolates Day last week. It was quite annoying.

As I entered my classroom I saw a mass of people crowding my desk. I frowned and walked over.

"What is going on?" I asked scaring some people in the process. They all jumped back from my desk giving me room to see what they were all crowded around. It was a small box with a bow wrapped around it, and a note was next to it.

"Oh, Kaji!" A student stated. "It seems like you have an admirer."

I looked at the girl before looking back at my desk and picking up the note. I opened it and started to read it.

Dear Kaji,

Ever since you transferred to this school I have always had a fondness for you. I saw that you didn't receive or do anything for St. Chocolates Day, so I thought that I would get something for you. I do hope you like it. I heard from someone that you like coffee, so it is coffee flavoured.

If you wish to find out who this is. Meet me on the balcony at 8:30 tonight. Please don't tell the Disciplinary Committee about this. I hope to see you there.

A secret admirer.

I raised an eyebrow at the note.

"Whoever this is wishes to meet me on the balcony tonight." I mumbled.

"Oh, how cute!" Girls started to squeal. I winced at the sudden loudness. "So, are you going to meet them?"

I let out a sigh before turning towards most of the girls in my class.

"Don't know." I stated.

"Oh, but you have to!" They all shouted.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because whoever they are, put their heart on the line to ask you!" They shouted again.

"Fine I'll go and meet whoever they are if it shuts you all up." I told them all. This only caused them to scream louder. Soon enough the teacher walked in and told everyone to sit down.

Point of No Return - Tokyo Ghoul/Vampire Knight Crossover #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now