|7| Enemy Territory.

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The sound of muffled talk and chatter caused me to stir. My head was pounding with every word that was being uttered around me. I tried my best to block out the noise but found that nothing was working. I decided to slowly open my eyes, but instead of seeing my usual plain ceiling, I saw a white ceiling with an elegant chandelier.

I sat up quickly and rubbed my eyes to see if what I was seeing was real. I looked around the room in confusion.

"Where the hell am I?" I asked no one in particular. That was when the memories from last night came back to me. 

// Flashback //

"You might need to sit down this buddy because this is going to be a long story."

I watched as Kaname gritted his teeth in annoyance. It made me quiet excited seeing him like that, in a position where I was in power and he wasn't.

"Like the Headmaster said, I am what is known as a ghoul. I am a genetic anomaly that can only survive on the consumption of human flesh. We are mainly located in places known as Wards, I originate from the 20th Ward in Tokyo. I came here to escape the horrors of my home and to start a new life." I began to explain. I paused for a second, the memories were coming back.

I shook my head knowing that I was getting side tracked.

"Like vampires we can present ourselves as human, but there are some major differences. The biggest difference is our biology, we are unable to stomach human food and any consumption of human food causes us to violently throw up. However, we did discover one thing that we could handle." I said.

"And that is?" Kaname asked.

"Coffee." I simply said.

"Interesting." The Headmaster stated.

"Anyway, Ghouls like vampires are hunted down on the regular by an organisation called the Commission of Counter Ghoul or more commonly known as the CCG." I paused, the anger was already beginning to form in me, "Their job is to kill any and every ghoul until we are wiped from existence."

"Due to this we were forced into hiding and masking our identities. We use literal masks to disguise ourselves. Through this the CCG gave each and every ghoul they know a code name. This was to help them identify our age, rinkaku type, ranking etc." I continued.

"That's good and all but that doesn't answer why you are here." Kaname said, I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Geez for ancient being you're not very smart." I told him, "I already told you, I came here to get away from that life. I came here to leave all that death and destruction behind."

"However, if you somehow allow me to stay, there is something that is important that you need to know." I said, this peeked both of their interest. But, it wasn't good news I would be telling them.

"I was well known back in the 20th ward. I was known for my abilities and how ruthless I was when it came to killing. Due to this nature I was given the ranking of SSS by the CCG." I told the truth.

"You are a SSS rated ghoul?" The Headmaster asked. I nodded my head in response. The Headmaster turned away for a second, he looked deep in thought. "This is a bigger problem then I thought."

"I promise Headmaster, I have no intention on harming any student here. I swore to myself that I would not harm another human unless absolute necessary. My diet mainly consisted of humans who committed suicide." I explained to him.

"Then why did you kill those two people when you got here?" Kaname piped up. I paused, it was true I did kill two innocent people when I came.

Point of No Return - Tokyo Ghoul/Vampire Knight Crossover #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now