|20| Suprise Ball

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I awoke to a knocking at my door.

I groaned and tossed in my bed. The knocking continued. I huffed and opened my eyes. I threw off my sheets and stomped to the door. The knocking continued as I grabbed the handle of the door and swung it open.

"What!?" I angrily asked. Behind the door was Senri. I raised my eye at the boy, I was surprised to see him.

"Lord Kaname wishes to see you." He said in a monotonous voice. Then without any further word, he left. I watched his retreating figure with a raised eyebrow.

"He is one weird guy." I muttered to myself. I closed the door and began to get ready for my meeting with Lord Kaname.

I wonder what he wants to talk about since Takuma would have told him about the mission from last night.

I began to wonder to myself as to what he wanted to speak to me about. I put on a top and jeans before exiting my room and heading towards Kaname. It was mid-day so not many people were out and about. 

I walked through the unusually quite hallways that led to Kaname's room. Once I arrived in front of his door, I raised my hand and knocked on the wooden door.

"Come in." I pushed open the door and Kaname was there being overdramatic as usual. He was staring out the window and looking out onto the school's courtyard.

"You wished to see me Kaname?" I asked as I stood by the door. He turned around and faced me.

"Yes, I wanted to talk to you about yesterday's mission." He said. I furrowed my eyebrows in response.

"I thought Takuma briefed you on what happened?" I asked.

"He did but there is something else I wish to speak to you about. Please sit." He motioned to the chair in front of him. I sat down without saying a word.

"I understand that Yuki encountered the binge eater ghoul." Kaname said. I looked at him and nodded.

"It seems that she followed Zero and I into town. Even though she was specifically warned not to." I said. "She wasn't hurt if that is what you're implying. I ordered her to get Zero and leave the scene before anything worse could happen."

He listened and nodded his head as I talked.

"Thank you Kaji for protecting Yuki. As you may know she means a lot to me." He said as he looked at me dead in the eyes.  I merely rolled my eyes at the statement.

"That's an understatement." I mumbled.

"I wish to repay you for your help in disposing of that vile creature." He said. I glared.

"That is still my species you know." I warned him. "But why do you want to repay me? that is extremely out of character for you."

He looked me in the eye again.

"Yes, it is isn't it?" he stated with a light chuckle. He walked around to the chair that was situated in front of me and sat down. He crossed his legs and clasped his hands together.

"Anyway, I wish to repay you. The repayment will be in your room." He said. I nodded my head.

"I have a feeling that there is still something you want me to do." I raised my eyebrow at him. He didn't say anything. "I am right, aren't I?

"There is something I want you to do." He said.

I sighed and looked to the side.

"There it is." I mumbled. I looked back at him. "What is it?"

"As you may know, the school is holding a ball next week." He said and then looked at me. "And I want you to be there."

"What?" I said in disbelief, "since when was the school holding a ball and what's the occasion?"

Point of No Return - Tokyo Ghoul/Vampire Knight Crossover #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now