Part 4

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When we were fully in the air, I turned away from the window. Don't get me wrong, the view was beautiful. With small houses and road in between making a colourful maze as the center of it all was a gray heart that shone with the help of the sunlight. But my head began spinning from the height, so I turned to my friends.

I was surprised to see that Anna and Allan was out cold, leaning on each other and snoring away. Jack was looking through the window, but turned to me and smiled. I gave him a small smile back and folded myself on my seat in order to get comfortable. It seemed that my body was really comfy because I didn't even notice how my eyelids dropped and I fell asleep.

My mind woke up from a shaking and loud voices. At first I thought that I overslept and my mother was shaking me awake. This thought alone made me jump in my seat and I began looking around disoriented. My eyes caught my friends hurled up in front of me with their backs to me, speaking with someone, and I sighed, relieved that it wasn't my mother. My brains quickly filled me in on latest hours and I remembered that we were going to the Alps.

I began folding myself back to sleep when the helicopter shook again, followed by a really nasty sound, as if someone was dragging their nails against the chalkboard. That sound killed all of my sleep and my eyes went wide. Something was wrong.

I focused on the group of my friends and listened to their conversation.

'Then do something!' Anna shouted just as another shake went through the helicopter.

'Anna, shut it. Kayle, can you do an emergency landing?' Jack said calmly, but a small wobble in his voice made it clear that he was scared.

'Emergency landing?' I thought, a bad feeling that I had before escaping my house coming back.

'Find me some land and I will' Kayle, the captain, said and I decided to butt in the conversation.

'What's going on?' I asked and the helicopter shook again, causing me to grab Allan's arm to steady myself. He looked at me and his worried eyes made my stomach clench.

'You have some nerves to sleep through a disaster' Anna sneered to me and I frowned at her, but ignored her comment.

'Something is wrong with the engine and we are afraid that the helicopter will shut down' Allan said and made my eyes go wide. I felt panic seep through me and I looked through the window. We were going over the ocean and just a thought of its depth made me shiver.

'What about the landing?' I asked and Allan shook grimly.

'No land on sight' he said and I felt my eyes fill with tears.

'I-I don't want to die' I whimpered, my tears spilling out, and was instantly swallowed in Allan's bear hug.

'Shhh... calm down, we will be okay' he said and a sob escaped my lips.

Suddenly, the helicopter shook again, but this time it was with a lot more force. A scream broke out from my mouth as we all were thrown down on the ground, falling over each other.

'Shit!' Kayle cursed as he got a grip over the helicopter. By this time I was crying hysterically, clinging to Allan like he was my only way to survive.

'There!' Jack shouted out of the blue and we all perked up. Looking through the seats and through the front window, we all saw a small peck of dark green colour in the middle of the blue.

'Oh, Holy baby Jesus, it's land!' Anna shouted and a small ray of hope swelled in my chest. We might survive.

'Hold on tight!' Kayle shouted and reared towards the land causing whole helicopter lean to the right. I grabbed Allan as he grabbed on to a seat as we flew towards the land.

Another horrible sound came from the helicopter, this time sounding like a pile of tools falling to the ground, but I held my eyes on the land that was approaching really fast, knowing that we will land safely.

As we reached the land, we finally saw how it looked like. It was a huge volcanic island with an actual, still active, by the looks of it, vocano on the north side of the island. It covered one third of the island, leaving the rest of the land flourish. The west side had a very high and rocky cliffs with, what I can only imagine, huge rocks by the shore and in the water, waiting for a boat to pass. The middle and south side was covered in lush forest that, for some reason, didn't look like a tropical jungle. I guess television caused me to think that all uninhabited islands had a jungle. Finally, the east side had a very wide beach with sand so clean that it shone to us from so far away.

'I'm landing on the beach, hold onto something, it's going to shake a lot!' Kayle shouted to us. Allan instantly sat down, buckled up and pulled me in his lap, locking me in place with his strong grip. Anna buckled as well while Jack sat between two seats and gripped their ends.

Just as the captains said, once the helicopter began landing, it not only shook like there was an earthquake inside, but also threw itself to the sides, causing us grip for our lives in order not to fly like Superman out of the windows.

The shaking was followed by the sounds from the engine, both tools falling and nails against the chalkboard. The sound was so deafening that I covered Allan's ears while I hid my head into his shoulder, hoping to shield my own ears at least a little.

With the last shake and groan, the helicopter plopped down on the golden sand and let out a final sigh, turning off for good.

Everybody followed it and sighed in relief, shaken by close death experience.

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