Chapter 2 - Devansh

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Devansh' s POV:

I woke up to the sound of ringing alarm. I shut it down and saw the time. It is 6 am. I woke up, brushed my teeth and wore jogging shoes. I have a habit to jog in the morning. Not because I am not healthy or fat or something but just that I like to keep my body fit.

I returned home at 7. I smelled tea aroma and knew that my mom is up.

"Hey mom..." I said, taking a newspaper and sitting at the table.

"Hey Dev..." she said handing me tea. She sat with me drinking hers. I like it like this. I mean there should be no commotion mainly early in the morning. I like to get ready taking my own time. Ha.. I didn't tell you about myself right.

I am staying in Pune with my family, I mean my parents and brother. Chill out Guys! I am not married yet. Anyways,I completed my graduation and worked for 4years in a IT company. Later, I started my own startup company with the experience I got. It is running good for 3 years now. In fact, very big companies like google wants to include us in theirs. If it happens then we will get a huge profit and our life will be settled. My father works as an editor and my mom runs a parlor. So, we are kind off living well. We also have huge heritage. So, we are rich too but don't like to show others. We always use the money we earn but not from the heritage. I have a brother, Nishith, whom we call Nishi. He is working along with father.

We all are very close to each other. Nishi and I share almost everything.

"Good morning" said dad coming to us. His and mom's is a successful love marriage. They are never against love unless we are choosing the wrong person. Aren't we blessed for such parents!!

After drinking tea, I read the headlines in paper and went to my room. I freshened up and came down. Today dad is preparing breakfast. So most probably it will be upma or pulihora. Yes, in my house there is no difference between man and women. In weekdays, at least twice my dad prepares breakfast and dinner andalso on either a day in the weekend also.Me and Nishi help them whenever we could.

Like expected, it is upma. We ate and left for our work. While coming home in the evening, I brought snacks for my family. I know they will be hungry. We all ate and mom went to prepare dinner. We don't restrict oil foods. We use less oil but we don't restrict it. Everything is necessary to balance all the nutrients in our body. But we do some exercise to not accumulate fat in the body.

I went to my room to work for some time. After dinner at 8:30 pm, we watched TV. It is like our family time. Later we all went to bed. This is my daily routine.

The next morning like usual, after jogging I met my mom and she gave me tea. My dad and Nishi also joined us.

"Dev... what did you think about the girl?" asked mom. I looked at her questioningly.

"Don't tell me you didn't even see her photo!!!" she exclaimed. Yeah... my parents are trying to fix a match for me. Yeah true that they are not against love. But it is that I didn't love anyone yet. I didn't find 'that girl' yet and my parents are trying to find her for me. Their words not mine.

"Yeah I saw. It is impossible to see when you put it on my laptop" I said.

"So what do you think about her?" she asked excitedly, wiggling her eyebrows. Please anyone tell her that she is not a kid.

"I don't know much about her. How can I say?" I asked.

"Just tell how she is to look. If nice, I will ask pundit to gather all the information about her" she said thinking more. If I allow her she will do my marriage now only.

First I should not allow that pundit to bring matches. I don't want to marry now. First I need to stabilize my company. I told her the same.

"See Dev... everyone feels like that. It is not like if you say yes then the next moment you will get married. It takes time. So, you can get time to settle everything" dad said. I am still doubtful.

"We didn't ask you till now because you are busy with the company. But now it is stabilized and you are also at the correct age. It is time for you to marry before you turn 28. Then it will be too late" dad said. Yeah recently I turned 27.

"But..."I started.

"No buts... it is just searching" dad said. I reluctantly agreed.

"Seriously bro... you are thinking like a girl. Girls generally think like this because they will be coming to a new environment. They have a reason to think like that" Nishi pointed at me when my parents left.

"I know. But it is a huge change in my life too. You don't understand" I said.

"DO you love anyone? You can tell us" he said.

"No Nishi. I don't" I said and left for office. It's okay if they search. Anyways I should marry someday right.


Hi Guys... sorry for the delay. How is the story? :)

I added the image at the start of this chapter. There you can see a man with wide arms as if he is enveloping the nature. I added this to indicate how Devansh's life is. The pic may not be perfect description. But just take that to say that Devansh has a happy family, opposite to Ahana's. When one is living the life, I feel that, they embrace the surroundings with open arms.

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