Chapter 20

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Tanya's POV:

I didn't understand what I have to say to bring Ahana to normal state. I mean she is normal but the harsh words of Jay still affect her. I hate to address them as her family. No family would treat their members like that. I wonder how can someone use such harsh words to their own sister with whom they played in the childhood. They were cruel and spoiled Ahana's and Dhruv's friendship and now they are accusing her that she is cruel and is spoiling relationship!!! How low could they stoop.

After Ahana told me her story the first time, I was afraid that she may not move in her life. But was glad when I came to know that Dev loves her. He can make her normal and give her the life she deserves. Even his family is good and love her. She can get the family love which she didn't from where she was supposed to get. She started to enjoy her life when Dev came into picture. She was more open than she was at the starting. But now I am again afraid the she might close off. In fact, she actually started closing off. It has been a few days since the incident happened. She is going for the invigilation and coming. It is as if she has become an emotionless human. She is being so careful while uttering the words to any outside person. It is as if she is afraid of doing some mistake. Jay's words have really taken a toll on her.

I told others that it is because of her family she is like this. I told them that she is missing them deeply which is partly true. I told them we can go out somewhere to relax her and promised them that I would make her accept which made them not to crash down the door to meet her, particularly Dev. It was so hard to stop him from meeting her. She needs time to meet people again and let them in. But I can understand that Dev is so worried about her and wants to know everything. I know that people didn't buy my lie and want to know the reason but thankfully they didn't force me to tell them. I want to tell because it helps her. They will understand and help her come out of the state she is in but I am afraid that she might lose trust on me. I am the only one with whom she is talking normally and if she lost trust on me then she might close off completely thinking that there is no one for her.

Maybe I can tell others if situation becomes out of hand and ask them not to reveal that they know the truth. Only time has to tell what to do. Today is her last exam and am waiting for her to come. The dorr bell rang indicating her presence.

"Hi Tanu" greeted Ahu going to her room. I followed her and sat on her bed.

"Hi Ahu. I am thinking why don't we go out on a trip like we planned before. Now your exams are also over' I said.

"No yaar. I am not interested. You people carry on" she said like expected.

"Come on Ahu, it will be fun. For how long will you be like this? You are letting the people who hurt you win by being like this. Just show them how wrong they are by enjoying your life" I said.

"Ahu, you told me the truth but did I go away from you?" I asked. She shook her head no.

"the others are also same. You might have already observed" I said making her think.

"Just because few people don't like us doesn't mean no one will like us. I know you wanna say that it is our own family who doesn't like us. But do you think any family would behave like that to their children in case if they did something bad?' I asked. She shook her head no.

"Then, they are not family. Don't think about them. Don't you have wishes? Fulfil them. Enjoy your life the way you want Ahu' I said. She sat on the bed thinking. I went and brought soup for both of us.

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