Chapter 15

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Ahana's POV:

"How long are you going sit there and avoid me?" came a voice. I just kept mum.

"You do realize that you cannot avoid me, right?" she asked again. Who is that are you thinking? Of course, my cute, sarcastic and evil best friend, Tanya.

"Will you speak up or not? Or shall I call Dev and tell how shy are you feeling since you came from the date?" she said. I can visualize a smirk and later a triumphant smile that is going to over take the smirk on her face. Uggghhhhh.... I told her many times that it is not a date but she won't listen. What am I even thinking. Dev himself is thinking like that then of course others also think like that. Stupid Dev. This is the first time I am cursing him but he deserves it for throwing me in this mess.

"I am calling....." she said in a sing sang voice. WHAT???? Is she really going to tell him that? What am I even thinking? It is Tanu we are speaking off ... of course she does unexpected things at unexpected time.

"TANU... NO" I yelled.

"Awww look at you... It makes it more excited for me to make the phone call" she said smiling evilly. That evil bitch.. Yeah I changed a lotttt after staying with her. Don't blame me. Blame the evil girl standing in front of me, playing with my life!!!!

"No.. don't do that.. I will tell you" I said defeatedly.

"Poor darling... but you lost the chance. But if you wanna tell you can tell after this call.. I am all ears" she said smirking. She typed something on her phone and showed me the screen. Ohh no.. its Dev's number. Just when she is about to press the call button, the door bell rang. Thank god!!!!

"Open the door.." I said to her.

"You go and see who that is .. I am kind of busy right now" she said. Busy my ass.

"I don't know anyone here. YOU go and see.. please.. your phone will be with you only... if you want to call, then you can do it at anytime" I said. I want her to be distracted right now. That's it.

"Okay" she said after a seconds' thought and went to open the door. I sighed and started going to my room to escape but I guess luck is not on my side today.

"Where are you going?" came another voice. Shit... I turned and saw 2 other devils, Kaira and Rani smirking along with Tanu.

"You.. are not going anywhere till you say about your date" said Rani wiggling her finger on my face. Kaira pulled me and made me sit with them. Poor me... Having no other choice, I told them everything.

After a while.....

"Are you crazy? Why did you say that it is not a date for you?" asked Rani.

"Ohh God!!! How much have I prepared you and it is all a waste now" said an angry Tanu like a mother scolding her daughter for failing in an exam.

"Guys... cool down" said Kaira. Thanks, Kaira... I owe you.

"I know what she did is blunder. Maybe she might have had that mad woman genetics at that time to answer like that. Or else who will tell that when the guy himself told it is a date. Let us do something to cure her madness instead of yelling at her" she said. Ouchhhh... mad!!!!! Did I say anything like owing Kaira? Strike that off. Isn't there anyone who is with me now ☹

"You people are mad... How can I think it as a date when I wasn't asked for one?" I said backing myself up. Of course, I have to support myself when no one else does right.

They thought for a moment and looked at each other.

"Yeah true. But still you are mad and that is why you did what you did" said Tanu. Ohhh thanks dear for your love for me, I thought sarcastically.

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