Chapter 18 - Missing Ahana Part 2

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Meena's POV: (Dev's Mother)

I saw Dev collapsing on the floor as soon as the doctor informed the news. I rushed to his side and shook him to wake him up from his trance. We all started shouting at him but he is not responding. His face became so pale and it looked as if he is having troubled breaths.

"Dev.. son.. look at me, your mother" I said to him turning his head to me, to make him look at me. God please help us. Please let nothing happen to my son.

"Dev, please you have to help yourself. Ahana will feel bad if she sees you like this. She will be watching over you wherever she is" Laksh said grabbing his shoulders.

"Why don't someone come and see if the body is Ahana's or not?" said the police officer. We all hesitated not knowing what to do. We don't want it to be Ahana's even after seeing the solid proof of her phone.

"NO, IT CAN'T BE. IT IS NOT AHANA" yelled Dev, jolting from his lost state. I sighed in relief as his yelling is better than him being calm.

"Please be calm" said a doctor who is also here. Dev rushed inside the room. We all followed him. He stood beside the bed and slowly opened the sheet which is covering the person's body. I prayed to god hoping for the best.

He stood there looking at the person's face and suddenly fell down. Laksh and I went to him and made him stand up.

"It is not Ahana" said Tanya, who also went to look. I looked at the face and relieved that it is not her. Thank you so much god, I prayed. I feel sad for this dead girl's family.

We went out and sat in the chairs. Everyone has relieved sigh in their faces.

"It is not her. It is not my Ahana" Dev said with happy tears in his eyes. I hugged him to give him comfort.

"Yes, it is not her. Our Ahana, your Ahana is safe" I said rubbing his back.

"For a moment, I thought that I lost her. I felt like my life has no use any more" he said moving back from me.

"I love her so much and this made me realize that I cannot live without her. Ever" he said wiping his tears.

"And you won't. You both are meant to be. I am sure she loves you just as much as you love her. But it may take time for her to realize that and admit" said Nishi keeping a hand on Dev's shoulder.

"How come her phone's is with this girl? That might be the reason why she is not lifting her call" said Rani.

"Yeah, but we still need to know where she actually is" said Kaira.

"Let us go back to my apartment. She might have come there" Tanya said. We decided that it is a good idea and drove back.

Dev's POV:

We drove back to Ahana's apartment. My mind recollected what happened sometime back. I am relieved knowing that Ahana is safe. I know it can't be her. Everyone will feel something when they lose their loved ones and I am sure I didn't feel such negative force today. So, she is alive and I am sure of that. I couldn't bear 'Ahana' and 'Death' in one sentence.

Now where the hell is she? She is going to be the death of me, one day.

I pulled the car to the apartment and stopped it aside. As we are walking towards the apartment, I saw something in front of it. It appears to be a person's shadow. As we walked towards the apartment, suddenly the shadow person stood and came towards us. When the person came near to us, the street lamp light has fallen on their face making it visible to us to see who it is.

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