Chapter 26 - Treasure Hunt

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Hi friends.... How are you all doing? 

This is my favorite chapter of this book and I hope you all like it. Please feel free to comment to voice your thoughts.


Dev's POV:

2 months went by since the party. Whenever possible, me and Ahana are going out. She is being more open to me now. I want to ask her to marry me. Yes, I can see my future with her. I want to have a family with her.

"Dev" mom called.

"Yes mom"

"Actually, we want to talk you about something. We all like Ahana. We know you love her. If you both love each other then we shall talk to her parents. I know that their parents are not good but maybe she still want to have their blessings. She may be afraid to speak with them but why don't we speak with them and sort this out" said mom.

"Thanks mom, Thanks dad. Yes, I love her and want to marry her. I will talk with her and let you know" I called Ahana and asked her to go out. I told her to come to the lover's spot in the evening at 6. I have taken permission from the manager of that place and asked my friends' help to decorate the place.

Ahana's POV:

The past 6-7 months went by quickly. I cannot believe that it has already been near to 7 months since I came to Pune. I am so happy that I have taken this decision to come here instead of going to a different place. It is like destiny. Otherwise, I would have missed all these people who became my close friends and the man whom I love more than myself. He is sweet with me when I am down. He corrects me if I do any mistake and scolds me if I ever think lowly of myself. I am happy to have such a person. His family is also good. I wish to have such a family with Dev.

When he erased Dhruv and placed himself in my heart? I don't know. But he did. Now I am not feeling any pain when I think about Dhruv and Charvi. It is their life. I did what I can do for them. I might have stayed and tried more to make Dhruv accept me. But they didn't give me a chance. They left me no choice but to move. But I am happy for the turn of events.

Today, Dev called and asked me to come to some place. I don't know about the place but I heard it is famous. He asked me to come in a saree if possible. Okaayy... what's happening? He never asked me like this whenever we went out.

I decided to do as he said and see what he has planned this time. We went on a few dates. Every time I felt very happy to be with him. I don't know what I will do without him. I don't even want to think my life without him. You can say, I grew up on him.

"Ahana... Don't you have to go out?" asked Tanu.

"Yeah yeah. Getting ready" I said and went to my room.

"What are you going to wear?" she asked.

"A saree. Don't know why Dev specifically asked to wear a saree" I exclaimed.

"Maybe he wants to see your sexiness!!" she whispered. I glared and threw a pillow at her.

"Acha. Leave it" she said laughing and continued, "Did you decide what to wear?"

"Yeah. Just now I decided. This one" I showed her the beautiful yellow saree. She gave me thumbs up. Tanu has better dress sense knowledge than me. Thank god it is not raining today. Otherwise I wouldn't have worn a saree if Dev asked me to wear a saree. Come on, who will be comfortable in a saree when it is raining!? Not me.

 Come on, who will be comfortable in a saree when it is raining!? Not me

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