Chapter 29 - Back to home

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Ahana's POV:

Today when I got the call from mom, somewhere, deep in me, I felt happy. She called me after 7 months!! But I was sad when she spoke so coldly with me. It hurts to know that she doesn't care about me. She doesn't want a bright future for me. Anyways it is good that it is going as per our plan. I called Dev and told him that I am going to Hyderabad.

"Ahana, don't be sad. Soon we will be united. I will come and ask for your hand. We shall marry. Then you will not face these difficulties" he said hugging me. I nodded. I am so lucky to have him.

"Ahana dear. Be brave. If there is any problem, call us" said aunty.

"Yeah Ahana... Dev's house is not too far from yours. We are staying there. You have us with you" said Tanu. Yeah, Dev's family has a house in Hyderabad when uncle used to work. His family and our friends are going to stay there.

I waved them bye and boarded the train. Hyderabad, here I come again.

The next day morning, I reached the house. Know what? No one even wished me or spoke with me! What did I do to deserve this punishment? I shrugged and went to my room. Thankfully it is not unclean. I showered and went down.

"Do you know the time? It is 9am! Go and prepare breakfast" yelled mom. I nodded and prepared dosa as the flour is luckily ready. I served them and I ate it too. The day went on as usual like before. Whenever I am not cooking I stayed in my room. But one thing took me by surprise. What is Chravi doing here? I can see that she is married. Then where is Dhruv? Ohh yeah he might be in Brazil. Didn't she go with him? My thoughts were interrupted by knock on the door. I went and opened it.

"Hello Ahana. How are you?" asked Saanvi SIL. I smiled and nodded. I felt tugging and saw down. My cutie Sam. I took her in my arms and sat on the bed playing with her.

"I am sorry Ahana. I didn't speak with you in the morning. I was afraid" she said. That is nothing new.

"I am habituated" I said.

"Can I ask you something SIL?" she nodded.

"Why is Charvi here?" she stiffened but said what happened. I am shocked on hearing that. Dhruv found the truth and left Charvi? Even though I am angry on her for what she did, I feel bad for her. It hurts if our husband left us and that too the next day after marriage.

"So Dhruv went to Brazil without taking Charvi with him?" I asked

"Yeah. Even after he returned he didn't take her with him to his house. By now his family might have known"

"What? He returned?" I asked shocked.

"Yeah. Work was over early and he came back. He told that he never loved her. He loved what was written in the letter which means that he loves you but not Charvi"

WHAT??? How dare he? If he loved me then he would have at least thought about what I said. He never loved me.

"Ohhh..." I said keeping my thoughts to myself. After sometime, I went and met Charvi.

"Hello Charvi"

"What do you want?" she asked rudely

"I heard what happened. I am sorry" I said politely.

"Now, now, don't you even dare to think that you have a chance with him" she yelled.

"I don't love him anymore" I told her truthfully.

"WHAT??? Stop playing games" she spoke harshly. I closed my eyes and controlled myself from lashing out at her.

"I don't love him and he doesn't love me too. He loves you Charvi but is angry on what you did" I said

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