Chapter 21 - Picnic

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Hi Guys... I know that i haven't updated recently and I am sorry for that. I have been so busy with my day to day work. But from now on, i will update the story in regular intervals just like how i used to do before.

Please don't stop reading this and continue your support just like how you were doing till now.


Dev's POV:

I had a good night's sleep after a long time. Since that day I had that talk with Ahana, I didn't sleep much. I was not able to concentrate on the company also. Yesterday also, I didn't understand whether I have to speak or not. I am split between the two thoughts not knowing the end result of which is worse and which is better. But when she talked with me, I was so happy. I don't need her apologize. None of us need it. we just want her to be free with us and share with us all her troubles. I understood what Tanu meant when she said that Ahana is still sad. She thinks that she is not worth of all the affection she is receiving. But I will gladly prove her wrong. I know that somewhere deep inside, even she wants to enjoy life and share her worries with us but something is stopping her. I don't know what I to worry about – whether her worries or the thing that is stopping her from conveying to us.

But I am going to make her feel free and take out all her worries as best as I could and bring out the free woman in her in this trip. And I know that my friends support me in this. It is not only because I love her but because they want to see her happy. We all made her one of us without much thought, without her permission. And she can do nothing about it but to oblige to that. My thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of the doorbell. I looked at the clock and saw that it is 6:30am. It may be Bhavin. Whenever he doesn't like the tiffin at his home, he comes here for breakfast. But we decided to do breakfast on the way. I sighed and went downstairs to open the door. As soon as I opened the door, I am shocked to see Ahana standing there.

"Ahana, what are you doing here?" I asked her in shock.

"Hi Dev" she said waving at me. I let her come in and closed the door.

"Dev, who is it?" asked mom coming down. As soon as she saw Ahana, she smiled and came and hugged her. I understood that Ahana is shocked by looking at her face. She hesitantly put her hands around mom and hugged her in return. Once their hug is done, mom spoke, "hello dear. What a surprise!"

"Sorry aunty, I came without informing. Actually, I started early and was unsure whether you guys might have woke up or not but thought that by the time I come here Dev might have been woken up as we need to leave at 7" she said.

"That is ok dear. Come in. I am preparing tea anyways" mom said and took her in. I followed them into the Kitchen.

"Laksh!! Here you are!! I was wondering where you were" said mom.

"Meena, where will I be. Either at office or at home meeting the needs of my beautiful wife" said dad kissing mom's forehead.

"Stop it, Ahana is here" mom scolded for fun. Dad looked at Ahana and smiled for which she replied with one of hers.

"How are you dear? You have come at right time. I am about to prepare tea" said dad mixing the ingredients.

"Laksh, did you go for walk?" asked mom. Burstttt... dad always wakes up early and prepares tea whenever he doesn't want to go for walk.

"Come on Meena, only for today. I want to prepare tea for all of you" said dad trying to look innocent.

"You can prepare after coming from the walk also" mom said folding her hands.

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