Chapter 8 - New College, New Environment

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Yes!!! Another chapter in a day :) It is a small chapter but important to know how is Ahana's life and how is she feeling about it.


Ahana's POV:

Today is my first day in the college. So I woke up early and went to temple. After coming back from the temple, I prepared Upma for both of us. It is 8 am and still Tanu is not up. I knocked on her door.

"Tanu..Tanu.. Wake up or else you will be late for office" I yelled. Yesterday, she said she has some important meeting today.

"Ohh god.. Lady keep quiet and let me sleep" she yelled.

"No, first, you get up" I said sternly. Yeah we have grown close thanks to Tanu's attitude. I mean it in a positive way. I am not the type to mingle with anyway in less time but I don't know why but I instantly liked her. I get the feel that I can trust her.

I heard some shuffling and finally she opened the door.

"You." She said narrowing her eyes and pointing her fore finger at me. "I am going to Kill you after you cook for me" she said.

"Geez thanks for your concern" I said and showed her the time.

"My office is just 45min max from here if I go in public transport" she said.

"Ohh sorry. you didn't tell me that yesterday. Okay go and sleep. I am leaving" I said. She glared at me.

"You expect me to sleep after you woke me up? Rudey fellow. I will drop you since it is your first day. I don't want my cook to lose her way in the new city" she said. I rolled my eyes at her.

She dropped me at college at 9:30 and went to her office. The college is not exactly in her route to office. It takes her 20min extra from here. But still she took her time to drop me and I feel grateful for her.

I went and met the principle and then ECE HOD and took my time table. I don't have many classes this semester as I joined in the middle of the semester. I have only 3 - 4 classed per day. I am given Digital Communications to teach. I love that subject.

I completed all my classes for the day. The students are nice. I have met a few colleagues also. The college is over by 4:30pm. While going home I bought some sweets for Tanu.

I reached home/flat by 5:10 pm. On the way, I saw a park near to the apartment. So after drinking tea, I went there. It is neither small nor big. It is good for walking, jogging and for doing some small exercises.. I strolled around the park when something caught my dress. I turned and saw a cute girl clutching my top. I bend down to her level.

"Hi cutie" I said smiling at her.

"Hi" she said. She might be around 3 yrs old.

"Abhi" someone yelled. I looked up and saw a woman who might be in late 20's running towards us.

"Abhi, why did you run away. I told you not to leave my hand na" she said coming towards us. She might be her mother. She took Abhi and looked at me.

"Hello. I am sorry, my daughter stopped you" she said.

"No, not a problem. She is so cute" I said smiling.

"Thanks. But she is very naughty, like her father." she said laughing. I joined her, laughing.

"There will be no fun if the kids are silent" I said.

"Yeah true. Anyways I am Rani" the woman said.

"Nice to meet you. I am Ahana" I said shaking her hand.

"Nice name. Are you new here? I haven't seen you anytime in this park" she asked. I nodded saying that I recently came to Pune.

"Okay. Where do you stay?" she asked. I hesitated but told the apartment name.

"Is it? So, we stay nearby. Our house is just 5 min walk from yours. You have to come once" she said and she left with Abhi, I mean Abhima.

After sometime I left the park and went to the flat. I prepared aloo (potato) curry. Just then the bell rang. I opened and saw Tanu.

"Hey how is your first day?" she asked.

"It is nice. How did your important meeting go?" I asked.

"Ohh you won't believe. We got a new project. Guess from whom?" she said wiggling her eyebrows.

"Sharukh Khan" I said. She is a fan of him.

"I wish. But no, it is from your COLLEGE" she yelled. Wow... we both hugged each other. I gave her the sweet, which I bought today. Later she helped me prepare chapattis and we had dinner. Today went nicely and I hope my life goes on like this and helps me minimize the pain which I got from my family and my ex- best friend.

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