Chapter 37 - Confrontation

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Ahana's POV:

We waited patiently for the doctor to come out of OT and tell us the situation. Thinking back to what has happened makes me shake to the core. How can I person store so much hatred in them that they want to kill them? I never thought such people actually exist in real life. Till now I thought it is to reel life only. But who am I to judge when it comes to that woman!

I heard footsteps. I looked up eagerly to see if it was doctor but to my disappointment it is the evil woman. She is the last person I expect and see. She is walking towards us with her head hung below and followed by other family members.

"Stop" I said going to her.

"I don't want you here. I don't want you anywhere near my family" I said with seething anger.

"Ahan" she started but I cut her off.

"Why did you come here? Is there any thing left you want to say to me? If you have come here to say that I have ruined your life, then you have already made that clear earlier" I said.

"Ahana, please listen once to what mom has got to say" said Charvi coming to me.

"Mom? I listened to what my mom told me" I said pointing to aunty.

"Ahana, you are being rude" she said.

"No, I am making it clear. I clearly understood that I ruined her life. I don't know why I was not able to take a decision when I was born. If I would have then I would have gone to some orphanage. Don't you think I did wrong by coming to her when I was born?" I asked Charvi.

"It was my mistake that I drove the car and murdered your sibling" I said to Charvi. She kept quite without saying anything.

"We are very sorry that you had to bear all this when in fault it is not your mistake" said bro.

"When it is not my fault, how come I bore the consequences?" I asked. They all kept quiet. I turned to the woman whom I called mom till now.

"Please enlighten me, how is it my mistake in all this?"

She looked at me and I can see tears in her eyes.

"I am so sorry. I was not able to bear the loss of my child and took it out at you" she sobbed and continued, "The moment I got to know the truth, I felt like deceived. And the truth about my unborn child shattered me. I am so sorry"

"How can I person have such hatred in them that they are ready to kill others?" I asked.

"I was ready to forgive you for how you treated me and thought of apologizing to you for your loss. But you don't deserve that. Not after the step you have taken" I said angrily.

"You tried to kill me. Now Dev's life is in this condition because of you. If it is me instead, I wouldn't give a thought about it. But it is Dev. I can never forgive you for this" I said sternly.

"Please leave from here and let us never meet. I don't want to continue this. I want to leave this behind and lead my life with Dev" I said, paused and continued, "They all did so much for me. I cannot make them go through all this. They don't deserve this"

"Ahana, dear. You are very emotional right now. Calm down. Things shouldn't be spoken when emotional" said uncle.

"I may be emotional. But what I am saying is the fact" I said. He nodded at them and they all left without saying anything further.


I know this is a very small chapter but i just thought this could be the best point to end this chapter. And also i do not like to end my story at an odd chapter number. So bear with it :P

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