Chapter 11 - City tour

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Some might feel this as a boring chapter. If so, sorry for that. But every small thing is necessary for our story hero and heroines to come close. Don't you think so? :)


Ahana's POV:

Like we have planned, today we decided to visit some places in Pune. I told Tanu to select the places which she too didn't visit.

"Hey Ahu..." she called me coming into my room.

"Yeah Tanu. I am almost done" I said combing my hair. I wore the dress I bought with Dev. Today the weather is nice. It is neither too Sunny nor cloudy. So, I just put a small clip and left my hair. I looked at Tanu. She wore Blue jeans and black shirt and matching shoes. She left her hair too. She looks good in jeans. She looks more confident in them.

"Looking good. All set I guess" she said.

"yeah. You are looking so nice" I complemented her. She smiled.

"If you don't mind, I asked my team also to join us" she said. OKayyyy... I thought only we both would be. But its ok ... I guess.

"Actually, they were bugging me yesterday. Saying that we can go to a movie or something. So, I told them our plans. But surprisingly, Dev said that they will join us" she said.

"That is ok. The more people, the more fun" I said.

"yeah. And Rani and Abhi are also joining"

"That is so nice" I said. I will have one more person whom I know and with Abhi being with us, it makes the trip more fun.

"Let's go. They might be here any minute" she said. We locked the door and went down. We met others at the apartment entrance. I think we are going in Dev's car since it is big (sorry I am not good in car models)

Tanu and me got into the back seat and we started.

"Hi Ahana. I am sorry. I think we disturbed your plans" said Dev looking at me in the mirror.

"That is ok. When there are many, we can have more fun" I said smiling. He nodded.

"Your dress is nice" said Abhi. Awww....

"Thank you cutie" I said kissing her forehead.

"This the one you bought when we went out, right?' asked Dev. I mumbled yes. Why did he have to mention it?

What is the problem if he mentions it? asked my stupid brain which I just ignored.

"Wait... you guys went out!" exclaimed Tanu.

"That is because he insisted on buying me a dress. So..." I said. I don't know why I am feeling embarrassed.

"Why?" she asked.

"Because I spoiled her dress when I ran into her in college" answered Dev.

"Ohh" said Bhavin but I find it being said in a different meaning.

"Where shall we go first?" asked Dev.

"Breakfast. I am so hungry" said Bhavin.

"What? You just ate at my house" said Rani.

"He ate? He ate at mine too. Is that stomach or what" said Kaira.

"It is. Would like me to open and show" Bhavin asked smirking.

"Pulleasssee.. I want to live long" she said rolling her eyes.

"Your bad luck..." he commented. I laughed at their banter. I and Dhruv used to do the same. Say something and irritate each other but in a friendly manner. If there is a third person who doesn't knew us, then they used to ask if we are couple. 'It is like flirting with each other' their words.

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